The Buffalo Bills’ Return to Running and Tom Brady’s Critique of Today’s NFL

EFE Nov. 21, 2023, 1:41 p.m. ETLectura: 3 min.

The Buffalo Bills remembered to run to win again

Eduardo Varela with his analysis of the things that impressed him most on Sunday week 11 in the NFL.

The seven-time Super Bowl winner blamed rule changes for introducing “bad habits” among players.

Tom Bradyconsidered the best player in the history of the NFL and champion of seven Super Bowlssaid this Tuesday that in the league “there is a lot of mediocrity.”

“I think there is a lot of mediocrity in today’s NFL. I don’t see the excellence that I saw in the past. I think the training is not as efficient. I don’t think the development of young players is as good as it was before,” said the player. was quarterback of the New England Patriots y Tampa Bay Buccaneers through a talk show on YouTube.

Tom Brady said that the product offered by the NFL now “is inferior” to what was played in past decades.Getty Images

Bradywho retired last February after a 23-year career, stressed that the rule changes that the league has implemented to punish harsh contacts, especially defensive ones, have decreased the level that existed in past decades.

“The rules have allowed a lot of bad habits to creep into the actual performance of the game. So I think the product, in my opinion, is inferior to what it was before,” he complained.

The 46-year-old former quarterback recalled defensive stars like Ray Lewisformer linebacker for the Baltimore Ravensand the deep ones Rodney Harrisonwith whom he played in the Patriotsy Ronnie Lottformerly of the San Francisco 49ers, who stood out for their effectiveness and defensive aggressiveness, but who today would have problems doing their job.

“I look at many former players like Ray Lewis, Rodney Harrison y Ronnie Lottand others who impacted the game in many ways, but with every hit they hit today they would have been penalized,” he pointed out.

At present, the NFL It severely punishes hits to the quarterback and receivers, a problem for defenders, who sometimes cannot stop due to the speed of each play to avoid contact.

According to the future member of the Hall of Famethe responsibility of protecting offensive players should be on the coaches.

“You hear coaches complain about their players getting hit, but why don’t they talk to them about how to protect themselves? We worked on those fundamentals all the time. Today they try to be regulated to protect them, but offensive players have to protect themselves without depending on others,” he said.

2023-11-21 18:41:00
#Tom #Brady #denounces #great #mediocrity #todays #NFL


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