The Basketball Lions Braunschweig Brought Back Down to Earth After Sensational Win

Last week’s surprise team is back down to earth!

The Basketball Lions Braunschweig, who sensationally won against Bayern Munich in the Easycredit Basketball Bundesliga last Sunday, received a 92:64 defeat at Alba Berlin.

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Those: DYN MEDIA 11.13.2023

What Berlin coach Israel Gonzalez (48) should be particularly happy about is that each of his twelve players managed at least one basket. The last is Justin Bean, who scores his first points with 7:30 minutes left.

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The best thrower for the Berliners is ex-NBA professional Sterling Brown with 15 points

For the Braunschweig team, who sensationally defeated Bayern last Sunday, Ferdinand Zylka scored the best with twelve points. The Tischler twins Brandon and Nicholas each have six points.

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Those: DYN Media 11.13.2023

Zylka after the game at “Dyn”: “We also wanted to win against the second Euroleague team, but that was nothing. I don’t like losing by almost 30 points at all. I could have done nothing.”

Alba’s world champion Johannes Thiemann: “Braunschweig is dangerous, they showed that against Munich. But we didn’t let anything burn.”

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It was an open game until halftime. The visitors then won the third quarter 29:18 and the game was decided. 28 points from Trey Woodbury didn’t help either.

The American on “Dyn”: “At the end of the day, I’m here to win games. The defeat hurts.”

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Best throwers for the MHP Giants: Elijah Childs (20 points) and Jaren Lewis (19).

Lewis after the game: “Our coach told us at halftime that we had to wake up.”

Tigers Tübingen – Niners Chemnitz 68:106

There were ten players in Tübingen’s squad, and all ten scored at least one point. But that’s it for the positive news for the host.

The team has no chance against the Niners – despite Jimmy Boeheim’s 16 points. Even coach Danny Jansson, usually a louder character, is at a loss for words during timeouts. He practically begs his troops: “Can I have ONE good action, please?” He can only rarely. It is the fifth defeat in a row for his team.

Wesley van Beck shines for the guests with 28 points, a personal BBL record for the American. Brendan Gregori, who celebrated his 19th birthday on Thursday, rewarded himself with his first point of the season. And contributes to the eleventh consecutive victory (in all competitions).

Niners captain Jonas Richter after his 300th (!) game for Chemnitz at “Dyn”: “It’s fun when you play as a team in a frenzy.”

2023-11-13 20:29:39
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