The 7 most banal reasons why a diet doesn’t work

The statistics are wasted, but indicatively only 15% of diets actually achieve their desired goals. In the rest of the cases the indications are soon abandoned we go back to old habits.

The 7 most banal reasons why a diet doesn’t work

Why? For a series of reasons that are all in all trivial: here are at least 7, among the most frequent.

1. We have to give up the things we like

Which in the short term is also a feasible sacrifice. But having to always say no to pizza, ice cream and chocolate without ever allowing yourself to break the rules ultimately leads to feelings of guilt and frustration.

> Read also: The diet that simulates fasting

2. It cannot function in everyday life

In short, it’s not always possible to be at home with a pantry full of what is prescribed: sometimes it happens that you have to eat outside the home, and if there are no alternative dishes and dishes to replace it just becomes a big headache.

> Read also: Those who follow the Mediterranean diet live longer

3. It forces us to eat things we don’t like

Any diet cannot be standard and cannot be downloaded from the Internet: every good nutritionist and dietician also adapts the nutritional plan to the tastes of their patients.

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4. The program lacks essential nutrients

Of course, fasting in the short term leads to weight loss, but it is certainly not a program for a healthy life: any diet must include a variety of foods and a balanced intake of all nutrients, with the consequence of making you feel good, energetic, light. In shape.

> Read also: 6 unsuspected reasons why you can’t lose weight

5. The diet is too extreme

7 kilos in 7 days is not a diet, nor even a miracle, but something that is not sustainable in the long term. And these sprint diets often have the only consequence of the rebound effect: once the goal is reached, you return to your previous weight and often even exceed it.

> Read also: 6 tips to really lose weight thanks to training

6. We are always hungry

And hunger generates frustration, so sooner or later we abandon the diet. A good nutritional program should be able to satisfy hunger while keeping the amount of calories under control, even including 3 meals and 1 or 2 snacks daily.

> Read also: 6 things to do in the morning to lose weight

7. We have to count calories

Ok, there are apps and even nutritional labels on food packaging, but having to plate up with a calculator every time is stressful. And stress, in the long run, causes you to give up.

> Read also: How much to eat based on your metabolism

Credits: FlickrCC wwworks

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2023-11-09 08:59:08
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