Swiss Indoors 2023: A Unique Opportunity for Parents to Gain Insight into Talent Development in Sports

This year’s Swiss Indoors was not only an exciting tennis tournament, but also offered a unique opportunity for parents to gain valuable insight into the development of talent in sport.


last edited: November 4th, 2023, 3:49 p.m

© Kai Gerber

Raeda-Sports had organized a parent coaching event where top experts shared their experiences and insights with the parents of aspiring talents. One of the outstanding presentations came from Oivind Sorvald, Casper Ruud’s coach. Sorvald spoke about the importance of balanced development of talent and emphasized the importance of patience, perseverance and a positive attitude. His experiences with Ruud showed that a solid foundation and a supportive environment are crucial to a young athlete’s success.

Alessandro Greco, head of elite sport at Swisstennis, presented the parents with valuable insights into talent development in tennis. He emphasized the importance of a holistic approach in which, in addition to sporting training, school education and personal development should also be taken into account. Greco encouraged parents to support their children in their passion while providing them with a solid foundation for their future.

Another highlight of the parent coaching event was the talk with Dr. Frank Denzler, the chief physician of the renowned racetrack clinic. Dr. Denzler spoke about the dangers and challenges that young athletes face and gave parents valuable advice on how to avoid overuse and injuries. His expertise and experience in dealing with sports injuries were extremely valuable to the parents.

Raeda-Sports has proven to be an outstanding organizer of this parent coaching event. The event offered parents a unique opportunity to learn from renowned experts and exchange ideas about developing talent in sports. The positive feedback from participants testifies to the quality and relevance of the content presented.

Due to its great success, Raeda-Sports plans to repeat the parent coaching event in collaboration with the ATP tournament in 2024. The organization strives to continue to make a valuable contribution to talent development in sport and to provide parents with the support they need to accompany their children on their sporting journey.

2023-11-04 14:50:00
#Parent #coaching #years #Swiss #Indoors #topclass #cast


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