Sweden’s Mua Ilara and Norwegian Jan Tomas Jensen triumph in World Cup Skiing Event

The women’s victory was celebrated by Sweden’s Mua Ilara, who beat the American Jessie Diggins by three tenths of a second, finishing herself in 55 minutes and 40.8 seconds. Another American, Rosie Brennan, was second, 1.3 seconds behind the winner.

Eiduka covered the distance in 57 minutes and 45.5 seconds, finishing two minutes and 4.7 seconds behind the winner. The top sixteen were 15 seconds away.

Of the 54 athletes who started, six were overtaken by a lap, while five did not finish. Eiduka was the only representative of Latvia in this distance.

Norwegian Jan Tomas Jensen won the same long distance for men, finishing in 48 minutes and 8.9 seconds, but Czech Michal Novak lost to him by seven tenths of a second, both finishing in the top three for the first time in the World Cup. Norwegian Harall Estberg-Åmunnsen was third, 2.1 seconds behind the winner.

Vigant finished four minutes and 5.5 seconds after the winner, but Kaparkalējs was overtaken by a lap between the 13th and 14th kilometers. Of the 82 participants, one retired and five were overtaken by a lap.

During the first three weekends of December, skiers will compete in Jellivar and Esteshund, Sweden, as well as Trondheim, Norway. On the penultimate day of the year, the prestigious “Tour de Ski” series will begin in Toblach, Italy, which will continue in Davos, Switzerland, and end in Valdifème, Italy, on January 7.

In the second half of January, there will be stages in Oberhof, Germany, and Goms, Switzerland, and in February there will be races in North America in Kenmore, Canada, and Minneapolis, USA. The athletes will then return to Europe with stages in Lahti, Finland, Oslo and Drammen, Norway, as well as Falun, Sweden, in March.

Eiduka’s previous season was the best for an athlete in the World Cup, where she won the U-23 competition. In January, at the “Tour de Ski” series competition in Oberstdorf, she won fifth place in the 20-kilometer freestyle pursuit, which is the highest position in the history of Latvian skiing in the World Cup.


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