Suspension of Football Activity but Basketball and Volleyball Continue: Weather Impacts Sports in Pordenone

Suspension of Football Activity but Basketball and Volleyball Continue: Weather Impacts Sports in Pordenone

PORDENONE – The Regional Committee of the National Amateur League has decided to suspend all football activity today and tomorrowSaturday 4 and Sunday 5 November, apart from indoor competitions such as futsal. Instead, both the basketball that the volleyball their championships continue normally.

These are the decisions taken yesterday by the sports authorities, considering what has happened in recent days in terms of weather and related consequences: patchy, diversifying the 3 major sporting movements. As always, especially in the world of football, there is no shortage of controversy between those who applaud the decided stop and those who believe everything could still be carried out normally.



Yesterday morning, unofficial information circulated that the youth championships, up to the Under 19 level, would be suspended. In the early afternoon, the official statement from the Lnd Regional Committee was issued, indicating the general suspension. «Given the continuation of the adverse weather conditions that are affecting our Region, the text states – in order to protect the safety of athletes and club managers, the Board of Directors of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Committee has established the suspension of all activities regional and provincial amateur (Excellence, Promotion, First and Second categoryndr) e di youth sector, including the basic activity scheduled for Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 November 2023″. We were therefore not left at the “the referee decides”, after the teams had already arrived at their respective playing fields. As a reminder, 4 years ago there were 2 suspensions of activity, one in mid-November and one in December. As regards recoveries, the program will be communicated later, the Palmanova headquarters say. While waiting to solve the puzzle date, the fact that it has been raining continuously for days, the fields are almost swimming pools lined with grass, weighed heavily. Going in and playing means knowing you’re starting the challenge and not knowing if you’ll finish. With the safety of the protagonists put in jeopardy in the middle and as a closing title plowed land. An account valued too expensive to try your luck. As mentioned, the interruption does not concern the regional five-a-side football championship.


There are no suspensions regarding volleyball. At a regional level, the president of Fipav Alessandro Michelli states that «at present there are no suspension measures for volleyball. We keep the weather and traffic conditions monitored.” Michelli also allows himself a further consideration: «At least for the regional championships, it is believed that having done one more or less training session does not change the condition of a match. Trieste didn’t have a red alert, but the Julian clubs normally carry out one training session less than the Friulian ones due to the critical plant situation.” For the Pordenone volleyball movement, the president Stefano De Rosa follows the same line, therefore everyone is regularly in the gym at the net.


The ball teams at various levels respected the stop imposed until yesterday evening, as required by the prefectural order, but for this weekend they can return to the gym regularly. Similarly to what was decided in volleyball, the provincial committee of the Italian Basketball Federation, chaired by Renzo Varuzza, does not provide for any form of postponement or suspension in the running of the basketball championships that have started.

2023-11-04 11:13:03
#decision #League #play #volleyball #basketball #futsal


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