Almost everything is disconcerting in Deportivo, who once again dropped points at Riazor with a draw as insufficient as their performance against the Osasuna reserve team. which further compromises an objective that is as obligatory as it is improbable at this point in the championship. Day by day, stumble by stumble, the team moves away from direct promotion as uncertainty increases around the figure of Idiakez and the configuration of a squad that at times shows signs that the situation is beyond it. The eyes are already directed beyond the grass and the bench while the hopes of the stands to correct this mess that Dépor has gotten into go through a Yeremay who in just over 20 minutes changed the face of a team bored by moments, surpassed in others and that nevertheless was able to carry out a commitment in which it once again lacked the forcefulness that was assumed. There is little consolation, however, for an increasingly questionable performance that is running out of excuses, nine points off the lead after 14 rounds.

It is difficult to decipher this Deportivo since its initial idea fell apart as soon as it began to chain one misfortune after another, but what is clear is that it does not find continuity in its game no matter how much Idiakez has leaned one week after another by accumulating midfielders and reserving the wings for two full-backs with limited offensive capacity. With everything and with that, Paris Adot’s intermittent first half was one of the best, in which he foundered at times after Osasuna Promesas’ goal that unexpectedly opened the scoring.

Deportivo is capable of organizing itself in a neat manner, as it did yesterday in a start in which it was able to give rhythm and speed to the ball, and settle without too much effort in the opposing half, but something is always missing. That bit of superiority that strong teams possess and that the Idiakez team lacks, which has become more and more predictable in that last line of attack. There he accumulates players, in many cases pinning the rival defense and with his back turned, waiting for a ball that rarely reaches them in advantageous situations. He should have it because he has players like Lucas Pérez, Hugo Rama or Davo on his roster, all three together in the attack to receive the Osasuna reserve team, who from the start limited themselves to waiting for the opportunity to counterattack to appear.

Villares, lying on the Riazor grass. Iago Lopez

He had the resources to do so, especially former Deportivo player Svensson, and look for Dépor’s backing. At the first opportunity he could, he punished the blue and white team with a transition that left Idiakez’s men shocked for several minutes. A loss by Salva Sevilla led to a shot by Aguirre from the edge of the area. The ball slipped to Germán, who was unable to clear it against Ander Yoldi. Too many mistakes to get out of the situation safely and one more example of how inconsistent this Idiakez team is.

Deportivo capsized from then on, showing again that emotional weakness that has already played tricks on them on many occasions throughout the championship, the last one on the previous day in Tarazona. It took the blue and white team a world to react and recover from that goal. The proof was that he was about to tie with a long free kick by Lucas Pérez and in the next play he miraculously missed the second. It was again a counterattack, this time harmless because Svensson dawdled too long when he headed into Germán’s area.

Deportivo began to stretch from then on, especially from the right wing and the efforts of Villares. The midfielder from Villalba was the only one capable of imposing rhythm on a Deportivo team that was too positional once again, with up to five players most of the time pinning down the Navarrese defense and without overflowing on the sides. Paris Adot began to appear and the Idiakez team managed to string together dangerous chances.

The Deportivista players celebrate Villares’ goal. Iago Lopez

Hugo Rama would try it with a shot from the edge of the area that would be caught by the rival goalkeeper before Villares claimed a clear penalty. The knockdown on the blue and white midfielder seemed clear when he was one-on-one with Stamatakis. The man from Villalba had not yet fully recovered from his astonishment at the penalty that was denied him when he finished off a Paris Adot cross from the right like a striker. The midfielder did it wonderfully in a complicated shot that rewarded the sportsman’s reaction and, above all, the determination of Villares who rebelled against his team’s immobility.

They were Depor’s best minutes in the first half. He would manage to combine and chain the plays, but he still lacks precision. He even hesitated when releasing the ball, possibly because Germán Parreño was affected by the error in the Osasuna reserve team’s goal. Idiakez’s team was going to need a lot more in the second half, but they would start threatening from set pieces. Pablo Vázquez would touch the second with a header after a corner taken by Lucas and from there the game would break down.

Deportivo would stop controlling the times and would favor the exchange of blows with the Osasuna reserve team, which would not be averse to that back and forth. The meeting opened and that context was presented as ideal for Yeremay’s return almost three months later. With little that the canary did, his contribution was noticeable in a team that abuses static play.

Yeremay is able to activate the rest because he faces, associates and finds his companions. He was a partner for Lucas, still in that depressed situation in which he can’t find the goal. Nor do his teammates guess his intentions in many plays, in which the A Coruña’s thinking is ahead of the rest of the team. It happened to him in the last stretch of the game, in which he was already fixed on the left wing and he always looked for his teammates in situations in which he had the option of finishing. Neither Davo first nor Martín Ochoa later read the play to the despair of the A Coruña native and a Deportivo that continues to leave points along the way.

2023-11-26 21:17:49


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