Starting to do Crossfit: 8 tips to follow

In 2010, Crossfit was a sport for a few enthusiasts attentive to the latest innovations in the fitness world coming from America, now the boxes are spread practically throughout Italy with the number of practitioners growing at a dizzying rate from year to year: thanks to the idea behind this sport, the return to a functional and intense training that prepares you to be ready for anything both from an athletic and mental point of view; thanks to the designed physique that it gives to those who practice it, whether men or women; thanks to thehype which he was able to create, with more or less involuntary testimonials from athletes and showgirls; also thanks to theatmosphere that can be felt in the garages, with that sense of community which now even fitness centers are trying to chase; finally thanks to the performance results that Crossfit undoubtedly offers in terms of strength, resistance, flexibility, coordination, balance and power.

8 tips for those who want to start doing Crossfit

So if you are thinking of starting to do Crossfit here are 8 fundamental tips to get the most in terms of training, health and fun.

Start from the base: the technique

Of course, the idea is to reach the power levels of the most advanced Crossfitters, but power is the top of the training pyramid, while the basis from which to start is learning the correct movements and the correct technique for performing the exercises, even without overloads. Yes, any good Crossfit trainer first teaches the technique without weights and only then begins to include loads in the WOD, the Workout of the Day. Skipping this phase will certainly prevent you from reaching high levels of fitness. Guaranteed.

Don’t fixate on repetitions

It is the consequence of the previous point: if to chase the number of repetitions you allow yourself some shortcuts on the technique (for example you bend your back when it comes to lifting the barbell in the deadlift, or you don’t lower your chest enough in push-ups) in the end you suffer but without taking advantage of it. Crossfit is a sport in which the biomechanical technique of performing exercises is functional to obtaining resultsand any good trainer will be happy with fewer reps performed correctly than completing all reps of a WOD in some way.

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Avoid overtraining

Crossfit is adrenaline-filled, once you try it it pulls you in and… It can be difficult to find the right balance between training and rest: either because the Community draws you in, or because the improvements are evident, or because the challenge with one’s limits is the essence of this sport, the risk at the beginning is to overdo it. However, everyone has their own fitness level, and the best thing is to respect it and increase it gradually: any good trainer will be able to advise onalternation of training and restconsidering rest part of the improvement process made up of attention to diet, continuous rehydration, real sleep but also complementary and corrective exercises.
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Don’t treat training like a race

Competition is part of Crossfit as well as any sport, and it can be with yourself or with others. But especially at the beginning of the Crossfit journey, aiming for results, in terms of repetitions, frequency of training and increase in loads, is the shortest road to injuries and abandonment. Certain, we often train in groups, but this does not mean that we immediately have to be at the same level as others. And we return to the starting point: first the correct technique and then the increase in repetitions, frequency, intensity and volume of training.

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Adapt the Workout of the Day to your abilities

WODs are communicated the same for everyone, but not all of us are the same knowing how to adapt the demands of the workout to your abilities it is essential to proceed with progressive increments. Adapting means reducing the loads, or the repetitions, or the sets or even the intensity of the exercise based on your level of physical fitness. And adaptation is one of the great secrets of Crossfit.

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Always warm up well

It might seem superfluous to say it, but it is not useless: Warming up is the fundamental part of every training and every race. There must be a reason why Usain Bolt warms up for more than an hour to run for just 10 seconds, right? So it really isn’t worth discounting the warm-up to gain a few minutes: the Crossfit warm-up aims to increase the body temperature, the blood flow in the muscle tissues, the specific ranges of movement for the exercises that will be performed and to mentally relive the motor schemes to perform. This is why the Crossfit warm-up is extremely dynamic and varied and different every time depending on the WOD.

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Don’t neglect mobility and joint flexibility

One perhaps does not associate the concepts of mobility and joint flexibility with Crossfit, yet these two characteristics are fundamental to becoming an advanced Crossfit athlete: they are used to correctly execute the movements, to increase range of motion and to reduce the risk of injury. It’s always good to keep this in mind, perhaps starting with getting a foam roller.

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Dedicate yourself to recovery

Recover means dsleep but also eat and drink properly, especially (but not only) after a workout. The diet and the post-workout recovery meal are among the cornerstones of the Crossfit philosophy: eat and drink correctly in the 30 minutes following the end of the workout with a balanced mix of proteins and carbohydrates to stimulate the cellular reconstitution of the muscles and counteract muscle catabolism. And sleep too: little sleep stimulates the production of cortisol, which causes the accumulation of fat, frustrating your training efforts.

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2023-11-03 10:10:01
#Starting #Crossfit #tips #follow


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