Sinner-Djokovic 3-6 3-6, Scattered Considerations • Sportellate

The legend of Djokovic, the confirmations of Sinner’s atypicality.

Smart people only make messes. Colapesce sings it in Cursed Italians, taking a quote from Tiziano Terzani. Ah, these Italians. The cunning, the Italian genius, the search for subterfuge, the stratagem, the effective joke, the caciara, the hidden clause in the contract. And then there’s Sinner. Jannik on Thursday evening against Rune, like the upright protagonist of a western with a bullet at his disposal to take out the bad guy, had the chance to eliminate Djokovic in his hands. He wasn’t smart, you might say. Maybe he would have lost the final against Rune, one could equally say. He certainly wasn’t Italian and maybe that’s why he likes him so much. Jannik Sinner seems to have arrived from the Moon to sweep away all the world’s clichés about Italy. A new era is upon us;

Today’s match is an appendix that essentially shifts little or nothing to the fantastic tournament of Jannik, the second best tennis player in the world from July onwards. Anyone even remotely familiar with tennis had little doubt that it could have gone any other way. Djokovic’s gargantuan performance yesterday against an Alcaraz reduced to a mere sparring partner was already quite indicative in itself. Today, a film library match in every 15 of its games, a match that reinforces for the umpteenth time a legend sculpted with ever deeper, ever more definitive shots;

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Perhaps in tennis there is only one thing more difficult than beating Novak Djokovic. Beat him twice in the same week. It was impossible to ask so much of Sinner, who in fact gave in rather quickly, putting up an ephemeral resistance, linked more to the size of the defeat than to the actual possibilities of reversing the outcome. In the end a rather generous 6-3 6-3 result came out for the South Tyrolean. Sinner fought as much as he could, especially in the central part of the second set, but constantly remained at a sidereal distance from the Serbian. The result was never in question;

Having put aside the talk of the GOAT in tennis, Novak Djokovic is now faced with an even bigger challenge. Has there ever been an athlete so dominant, so brutal, so omnivorous in the history of sport? They can be counted on the fingers of one hand; the difference is that he is still hungry. At 36, the Serbian is playing perhaps the best tennis of his career. He serves like he has never served before, he has the athletic condition of a twenty-two year old, he has refined his game at the net, he has also finally started to majestically mock the hostile public, after years in which he experienced the whistles and shouts at him almost painfully. . This year, he participated in 12 tournaments and won 7 of them. These are numbers that don’t belong to this sport. It makes you think that if he decides not to stop, in a few years he will also resume Nadal’s numbers in Paris. Infinite and ineluctable;

Sinner got the exploit he had been looking for for a long time. His face is now a recognized, pop face by Rai. Italy cheered him, supported him. He really wanted it. We needed a testimonial like this around the world. Clean, serious, measured in deeds and words, far from any common idea of ​​what Italy is. What a pleasure. Now in Malaga a great opportunity to seize for a title that in terms of importance should not be considered inferior. And what’s missing on the field? Nothing. Sinner has had drastic growth in recent months which places him today as a stable top 5 tennis player, capable of winning every tournament in which he participates, on every surface, especially indoors where he is at the limits of unbeaten. We have been able to say this about no other Italian tennis player in history. There are no roofs over his head. And sooner or later Djokovic will get tired of running up and down a court hitting a tennis ball. Or not?

2023-11-19 20:28:29
#SinnerDjokovic #Scattered #Considerations #Sportellate


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