River Plate’s Youth Players: Making an Impact on the First Team


With the match against Brazil on the horizon, Millonario would have taken a strong path with the three youth players who are in Indonesia.

© AFA PressThe jewels of the River quarry that have been breaking it in the South American Sub 17.

With a great moment for the Millonario youth players who belong to the Argentine Under 17 National Team, Demichelis’ coaching staff would have made a very important decision. After the goals of Robertothe overflows of Subbiabre and the good performance of Ulises Gimenezthe preseason of Millionaire would have three new members.

Although none of the youth of the Millionaire He had been training with the first team, the band already had an idea of ​​the potential they have. Therefore, endorsed by the great world what Agustín Ruberto, Ian Subiabre y Ulises Gimenez are doing, it was decided that the three will join the preseason of River.

Although it will be in January 2024, Germán García Grova confirmed that the leadership of the Millionaire began the procedures for Ruberto, Subiabre and Giménez have the visa ready and enabled to enter the North American country.

In this way, the club will seek to ensure that the four jewels of River; to these is added Claudio Echeverrican take place in the first team of the CARP during the 2024 season. A place that Demichelis will define if they are in a position to occupy.

Ruberto already has 5 goals in the World Cup.

The great Under 17 World Cup by Agustín Ruberto

With at least one goal scored in each of the games the team played Argentine National Team, Agustín Ruberto has already become one of the figures of the world Cup and scored five goals in just four games; he scored a double against Venezuela in eighths.

In this way, the player who already had minutes in the reserve River is positioned as the top scorer of the Under 17 World Cup until now. Behind him he has Rento Takaoka (Japan) and Elijah’s War (Brazil) with four.

The administrative error that left Ulises Giménez out of the 2023 tour

Being one of the youth players who most seduced Martin Demichelis in his first weeks with Claudio Echeverri, Ulises Gimenez He would be about to carry out his second preseason with the first team. However, there was a problem that left him out of the tour that the Millionaire.

Due to the short notice with which it was summoned, Gimenez y River They did not manage to process the visa of the central defender who is in Indonesia disputing the Under 17 World Cup and for this reason the opportunity to travel with the first team was lost.

Ulises Giménez, one of River’s talents who shines with the Albiceleste.

Which youth player should play yes or yes in River during 2024?

Which youth player should play yes or yes in River during 2024?


2023-11-21 17:45:31
#Rivers #decision #great #World #Cup #youth


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