River Plate Players’ Scores in Professional League Cup Match against Huracán


The scores of the River Plate players after the match against Huracán, corresponding to date 12 of the Professional League Cup.

© DIEGO HALIASZThe scores of River vs. Hurricane for date 12 of the League Cup.

Franco Armani (4): Poor start in Walter Mazzanti’s goal. Before and after, he had very little work.

Santiago Simón (4): Many forays into attack, but they lacked effectiveness in resolution. In both of Huracán’s goals, he was badly stopped.

Leandro González Pírez (7): A beast to anticipate and win every head-to-head that came his way. He scored a goal, disallowed due to alleged handball by Paulo Díaz.

Paulo Díaz (7): A huge category to go out playing and overcome rivals, beyond risking too much on some occasions. Nothing to do in the goals.

Milton Casco (4): More active in the first half than in the second half. Very weak mark on Franco Alfonso’s goal.

Enzo Pérez (6): Correct game from the captain, on a very special night. The ball barely passed his feet.

Rodrigo Aliendro (6): Good with the ball. He had a header which he hit over the top of the bar. He was replaced at halftime.

Ignacio Fernández (6.5): Very active and participatory in the first half. He arrived in a nine position on several occasions, but could not always finish comfortably. In the second half he got a puncture.

Manuel Lanzini (5): He went from oldest to youngest, like almost the entire team. Apart from some good combinations with Barco and Nacho in the first half, he unbalanced very little.

Esequiel Boat (6): He tried to break lines with his dribble, but he rarely managed to do so. A little joke with Lucas Chaves cost him a warning and a few minutes later the change.

Salomón Rondón (5): He had two very clear chances in the first half, but he finished badly. At the beginning of the second half he ate another goal made.

They entered:

Nicolás De La Cruz (5): It came from a couple of weeks of inactivity and it showed. He didn’t have his usual giddiness and made some bad decisions.

Pablo Solari (5.5): Left foot that hit the post and some dangerous crosses.

Gonzalo Martínez (7): He generated a very dangerous foul in his first intervention and scored a great goal from a free kick.

Jonathan Maidana (-): He came in at the end to receive a standing ovation from the entire Monumental.

Facundo Collidio (-): few minutes on the court and few interventions.

2023-11-04 02:10:44
#scores #River #Hurricane #Player #Player


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