Real Madrid does not give Maccabi an option and continues to show its power in Europe

Real Madrid does not give Maccabi an option and continues to show its power in Europe

The white team understood that the initial recipe for harming the opponent was in the inside game. And he did not hesitate to take advantage of it, using the figure of Walter Tavares. What is probably the most dominant center in European basketball today had a scoring feast with the invaluable help of Argentine Facundo Campazzo.

Fifteen points out of thirty-six of his own were accumulated by the Cape Verdean at the end of the first quarter. And six assists out of the eleven total for the Argentine, who also scored another eight points. He also joined them Gabriel Deck to complete a devastating shortlist who abused a blurred Israeli team in the last five minutes (21-36, min.10).

In the return to action four points in a row without response from Dzanan Musa put them nineteen ahead. Chus Mateo. The host reacted at that moment with a 6-0 run that avoided major problems, and from that moment on they made an effort to close the gap.

He had the opportunity to do it for more than three minutes in which he Real Madrid dried up in attack, but exactly the same thing happened to him. Both hampered by the lack of punch from distance, with only 5 triples converted out of 24 attempts between the two, in the final stretch they hurt themselves again in a skirmish that Maccabi narrowly won, propelled by dominance in the offensive rebound by Josh Nebo, to reduce their deficit to eleven at half-time (41-52, min.20).

The resumption began with a shy reemerge from Tavares. However, a decisive man also appeared on the other side like Wade Baldwin IV. Five consecutive points from him plus a triple from Lorenzo Brown and another from James Webb III forged an 11-0 lead that reduced the visitors’ lead to just six.

Faced with the blockade, Mario Hezonja. The Croatian, in one of those moments of inspiration that every game is accustomed to, took the lead and with ten points in just over three minutes, he left Maccabi’s moment of effervescence to nothing for pave the way to victory (56-74, min.30).

Thus the Spanish team recovered what is beginning to be a healthy habit in the top European competition when they do not have a compatriot facing them: that of playing the decisive quarter without pressure. And when that happens and you can give yourself over to enjoyment, things happen like the spectacular combinations between Sergio Rodríguez and Vincent Poirier. Or moments in which the triples enter with astonishing ease. Everything together served to end the evening in style, with a result of 70-99.

70 – Maccabi Playtika Tel Aviv (21+20+15+14): Baldwin IV (7), Brown (16), Colson (4), Cohen (2), Nebo (14) -five starters-, Cleveland (4), Webb III (5), Sorkin (5), Rivero (8) , Blatt (5), Menco (-) and Mayer (-).

99 – Real Madrid (36+16+22+25): Campazzo (11), Deck (10), Hezonja (16), Abalde (3), Tavares (19), Sergio Rodriguez (3), Poirier (8), Llull (3), Ndiaye (3) , Rudy Fernandez (6), Musa (15) and Hugo Gonzalez (2).

Referees: Matej Boltauzer (Slovenia), Mehdi Difallah (France) and Ioannis Foufis (Greece).

Incidences: Postponed match of the sixth day of the Euroleague basketball match played in the Aleksandar Nikolic hall in Belgrade.

2023-11-28 21:25:39
#Real #Madrid #give #Maccabi #option #continues #show #power #Europe


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