Quattromiglia Polyfunctional’s Unbeaten Streak Ends with Loss to Sala Consilina

Difficult evening for coach Carbone’s men on the sixth day of the Interregional Serie B championship. Sala Consilina won the midweek round with a score of 76-94; Thus ends the unbeaten season of the Quattromiglia Polyfunctional which had remained an undefeated fort for 3 days.

For coach Carbone the start is entrusted to Gatta, Festinese, Tomic, Guzzo and Ginefra while for coach Patrizio to Erkmaa, Moretti, Biordi, Enihe and Fraga.

The guests unlock the scoreboard with a triple, but Festinese promptly responds and scores the next 6 – 5. Blow after blow the red and whites respond and with just over 3′ to go they even manage to find a few points of separation ( 20 -15). But then the Campanians are good at mending the gap and the period ends in perfect parity with a score of 22 – 22. Upon returning to the field the first real difficulties begin for the red and whites who suffer 2 bombs scored by Fraga in an amen (24 – 28). With a few points from Hajrovic and a basket from Ginefra, Bim Bum tries to stay afloat (30 – 32), but soon their opponents score a partial score of 0 – 9 which weighs heavily on the progress of the quarter. Coach Carbone tries to shake him up with the two timeouts available but the recovery doesn’t go through and we go into halftime at -15 (38 – 53).

Upon returning from the locker rooms, the Campania team found the basket first, but were then followed by Festinese from beyond the arc and Guzzo from below (43 – 55). The Rendesi continue to fight and with Festinese from the arc they even reach -10 which could suggest a comeback (50 – 60); but then the guests bombed the hosts with three points, forcing them to remain behind until 58 -76 at the end of the quarter. To try to bring home the victory, a real miracle would be needed which, unfortunately, coach Carbone’s men are unable to achieve. Sala Consilina leads the match until the final 76 – 94.

It certainly wasn’t the best evening for the hosts who didn’t have good shooting percentages from the 3-point arc and from the free throw line.

Bim Bum Rende- Sala Consilina 76-93


Rende:Carravetta,Cersosimo 2,Ginefra 9,Gatta 9,Marigrano,Tomic 10,Guzzo 3,Festinese 24,Bisceglie 13,Markovic 2,Hajrovic 4,Guido.All Carbone Ass Arigliano

Sala: Biordi 8, Cortese 5, Sabatino 5, Erkmaa 11, Fraga 15, Moretti 15, Arnaut 4, DUrante, Triassi 9, Miljjovic, Campaiola, Ehnie 21. All Patrizio

Orlandina 10 Basketball Purple 10
Basket School 8
Siaz 8
The power of Ragusa 8
Consilina Room 6
Bim Bum Rende
Barcelona 6
4* free agents
Castanea 4 *
Fortitudo Messina 0
Cus Catania 0

Sixth day
Fortitudo Messina-Viola Basketball 78-86
Bim Bum Rende-Sala Consilina76-93
Ragusa-Barcelona 98-77
Basket School-Orlandina60-58
Castanea-Released Milazzo (2 Nov)
Piazza Armerina-Cus Catania81-60

Fifth day
Cus Catania-Basket School Messina 72-84
Barcelona-Castanea 88-72
Free releases – Viola Basketball 78-83
Orlandina-BiM Bum Render 75-70
Sala Consolina-Ragusa 77-62
Piazza Armerina-Fortitudo Messina 97-83

Fourth day Castanea-Sala Consilina 73-65
Fortitudo Messina-Svincolti 58-87
Ragusa-Orlandina 65-68
Rende-Cus Catania 82-80
Viola-Barcelona 99-89
Basketball School-Piazza Armerina 79-76

Third day
Cus Catania-Ragusa 88-106
Siaz Piazza Armerina-Bim Bum Rende 92-62
Sala Consilina-Viola Basketball 70-73
Basket School-Fortitudo Messina 76-66
Barcelona-Milazzo Free Releases 84-75
Orlandina-Castanea 76-53

Second day
Fortitudo Messina-Barcelona 4.0 58-103
Castanea-Cus Catania 95-83
Released players-Sala Consilina 78-73
Ragusa-Piazza Armerina 83-74
Bim Bum Rende Basket School 103-91
Basketball Viola-Orlandina 64-67

First day

Orlandina-Released 60-58
Siaz-Castanea 89-81
Bim Bum – Strength 85-60
Sala Consilina-Barcelona 90-72
Basket School-Power Ragusa 66-71
Cus Catania-Viola Basketball 75-94

2023-11-01 22:14:26


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