“Mucky: The Beautiful German Shepherd Searching for a Loving Home Despite Setbacks



Mucky’s irresistible charm defies setbacks: The Hattersheim animal shelter is looking for a new, loving home for the special German Shepherd.

Hattersheim – Finding a loving home can be a real challenge, especially when it comes to animals with special needs. The Hattersheim animal shelter in the Main-Taunus district recently published an urgent appeal on Facebook: It is looking for a new home for Mucky, a “beautiful” Old German Shepherd with a unique character.

Mucky, who was born in 2018, is not only pretty, but also has a good heart. The animal shelter lovingly compares them to “misfit models,” people who impress despite their small flaws. Mucky could easily conquer the “dog catwalks” of the world, she is that beautiful. But it’s not just her appearance that impresses. Her nature is so loving and loyal that everyone who meets her immediately wins her heart.

The Hattersheim animal shelter is looking for a new, loving home for the German Shepherd Muckys. © Hattersheim Animal Shelter

Mucky’s second chance: Hattersheim animal shelter is looking for a new home for her

But life hasn’t been kind to Mucky so far. She suffers from severe hip dysplasia (HD), but this does not affect her in everyday life. Mucky enjoys walking, playing and shows no signs of pain. However, her atopic dermatitis requires a hypoallergenic food that she enjoys eating. It is all the more frightening that, according to the animal shelter, she came to the shelter in a worrying condition – severely malnourished and without strength. Thanks to the care of the animal shelter, she is getting better and better.

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The real problem for Mucky is her psychological stress. The signs of trauma are obvious when observing her reactions in the shelter. She was often found crying.

The Hattersheim Animal Shelter hopes someone hears her story and decides Mucky deserves a chance at a loving, stair-free home. If you are interested in Mucky or would like to find out more about her, you can contact the animal shelter directly. (cas)


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Contact the Hattersheim animal shelter

Telephone number (06190) 73 289

E-Mail-Address [email protected]

Website tierheimhattersheim.de

2023-11-02 21:39:28
#German #Shepherd #Mucky #home


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