Meet Esther Kouwenaar: the Badminton Player with Down Syndrome

Fri Nov 24, 15:19 Sports Sports

Sports Agreement Coordinator Sven Walleze, an enthusiastic athlete himself, wants to inspire young and old to get moving and thus become and stay stronger and fitter. In a series of articles he meets sporting residents. This time Esther Kouwenaar. She has Down syndrome and is also a fan of badminton. She plays at EVBC-Vlietwijk every week.

Esther has had low muscle tone since birth. “So it is extra important for me to train and ensure that my muscles remain strong,” she says. ‘I still walk with a stick, but that is more for stability, especially when the wind is blowing hard.’ The almost 36-year-old lives independently in Voorschoten with guidance. ‘It’s a really nice place to live, sometimes there is a problem, but we’ll talk it out. I love it there. And this is where I met the twins Joan and Sebastiaan Stolk years ago. They played badminton at SSGK, Stichting Sportbelang SGK. I played there with my father until we met people from EVBC.’

Ten years ago, Esther and her father joined the Voorschoten association. ‘Harold was the trainer at the time and I learned a lot from him. Sadly, he’s gone now.’ But that didn’t stop Esther from going ahead and even bringing two housemates with her. ‘Lars and Lieset also play here. I know Lars from Theater Group Domino for people with disabilities. We are both actors and Lars also writes songs and raps. We regularly perform with the PS Theater, among others,’ says Esther proudly.

Why does she like sports so much? ‘Well, of course it’s healthy for everyone, but you also make friends. In the beginning I only played with my father, but now I also play against the other members and you often get tips. Although I am of course not that smooth and fast, I really enjoy it and that is what matters. As people with disabilities, all three of us are included in the association. We completely belong and that is important because I sometimes have the feeling that we are not taken seriously in society. But we can also vote,’ Esther is combative. Playing matches is not yet an option. “That’s a bit difficult with my daily program because I’m really tired after such a workout,” she explains.

Esther’s enjoyment of the sport is evident. And that is exactly what Emiel de Jong wants to achieve with his club. ‘Everyone is welcome with us, young and old and at all levels. So come and have a look on a Monday evening in the sports hall,” he invites. More info:

2023-11-25 02:17:56
#exercise #stay #fit


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