Mbappé found the welcome given to Donnarumma “too much”

AC Milan supporters did not give Donnarumma a gift, which did not please Mbappé so much… MARCO BERTORELLO / AFP

Before speaking in the mixed zone, the Parisian striker answered questions from Italian television on Tuesday, San Siro, after AC Milan-PSG in the Champions League.

Special envoy to Milan

Small event in the passageways of San Siro. Discreet in the media and in front of journalists since last summer and his sidelining, before being reinstated, Kylian Mbappé spoke in the mixed zone on Tuesday, after AC Milan-PSG (2-1). Before that, he responded in front of the SportItalia cameras. “The problem is us. When we don’t win, the problem is always ushe said about the match. We are not going to look for the problem elsewhere. We didn’t manage to win, Milan took advantage, congratulations to them.» Day and night compared to the first leg, won 3-0 by the Parisians at the Parc des Princes. “We didn’t hope for anything, except to win here, we didn’t do it, Mbappé said again. We wanted to keep first place in the group, now we are second. There is a home game at Newcastle. We will have to win. And then we’ll see what happens“. It will be November 28. A match at the end of which PSG could qualify for the round of 16.

In the meantime, Milan has completely relaunched itself in the race for qualification, to the great pleasure of its fans. The latter created a crazy atmosphere on Tuesday evening. They also let their resentment towards the “mercenary» Gigio Donnarumma, with terrible broncas and counterfeit notes. “The atmosphere ? There was a lot of noise“, first noted the captain of the France team, before coming to the defense of his Italian teammate: “They gave Gigio a rather difficult welcome. I think it was a little too much. But it’s football today, the supporters do what they want, we can’t tell them what to do. We tried Gigio as much as possible.» Note that Donnarumma, who left Milan for Paris in 2021, appeared imperturbable in this stormy context. He was undoubtedly the best Parisian on the San Siro pitch.

SEE ALSO – Donnarumma’s 10 best saves with AC Milan (2015-2021)



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