Mario Balotelli’s Audi Q8 Destroyed in Traffic Accident in Italy

Shocking news coming from Italy. Mario Balotelli, footballer for Turkish Adana Demirspor but now injured and in Italy, went off the road in Brescia and destroyed his Audi Q8 in a traffic accident. As ‘ANSA’ reports from the transalpine country, the player is unharmed.

Balotelli emerged from the cabin “unharmed but staggering. All the airbags in Balotelli’s car went off.” The player was quickly treated by the emergency services.

But, also from Italy, ‘Sky Sport’ goes further: “The causes of the accident are yet to be determined. Balotelli, however, according to a local police official, refused to submit to a breathalyzer test.” This behavior will cost you a report as if you had tested positive beyond the limits permitted by law.

His brother Enock Barwuah, who was returning from training with the team in which he plays in the Eccellenza championship (Rovato, in the Italian 5th Division), and some friends who took Mario Balotelli to his house in Brescia, a few meters from the Rigamonti stadium.

2023-11-23 22:03:59
#Mario #Balotelli #suffers #car #accident #Brescia #unharmed


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