Luca Banchi: Match that sculpts the character, discipline and personality of the players

<<Quando hai privilegio di giocare in un club di questo livello, hai il dovere di dare il meglio. Tuttavia non è sempre possibile essere ispirati, ma ci sono anche giornate come questa, che scolpiscono il carattere di chi vuole combattere, contro avversari che sono particolarmente ispirati, contro cui occorre trovare ispirazione.

We lost contact in the final part of the second period.

When you play at this level you can’t afford the luxury of objecting to discipline and personality.

We had an important return when we had possession of Cakok which could have been worth the minus 5 and which could have given another trend to the match; instead we suffered a basket and a foul.

Credit must be given to the opponent, who led from start to finish.

The big men open the field very well, and only in the last quarter were we able to limit their attack, which is the best in the championship, statistics in hand.

Vanoli did well at slowing down the flow of our game, the ball didn’t circulate, we weren’t able to build open shots, which affected the percentage of three-pointers.

A match that serves as a lesson for us because there will be other occasions in which there will be little time to prepare for the matches.

We are just at the beginning of our story; the path is made of exhilarating victories, but also of matches like these that must lead to reflection>>.

2023-11-05 22:20:10
#Luca #Banchi #Match #sculpts #character #discipline #personality #players


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