Lombardy, the regional council approves ARGE Alp Ski Ability – Sport Marketing News

Green light for the collaboration agreement with the University of Brescia for the Arge Alp Ski Ability project. The Regional Council approved it in today’s session.

The agreement includes scientific research activities, experimental applications and educational activities to improve accessibility to sports facilities. The Lombardy Region supports this project by providing 125,175 euros, out of a total cost of 280,000 euros.

“The agreement between the Lombardy Region and the University of Brescia for the realization – explains Lara Magoni, undersecretary to the Presidency with responsibility for Sport and young people – demonstrates, once again, the great attention on the part of the Lombard government towards accessibility in sports field”.

“A synergy of the highest level – adds Magoni – aimed at identifying the best practices that guarantee the accessibility of the ski areas and the sporting practice of skiing for people with disabilities. A topic that has always seen me personally involved when, in 2014 on my initiative, the seventh Culture and Sports Commission of the Lombardy Region unanimously approved an opinion on the modification of the regulation on mountain sports disciplines. Also including people with different abilities among professional ski instructors.”

The Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games will be an unmissable opportunity to forcefully reiterate how sport is a vehicle for inclusion and redemption. We therefore welcome targeted studies like this, which are able to give us a precise picture of the situation of our structures so that they can be up to par and guarantee the best possible experience for all athletes and enthusiasts”

2023-11-13 16:41:58
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