Live-Action Film Adaptation of ‘The Tiger Man’ Anime & Manga Confirmed

by Samuele Tortoioli

Story Pictures, Kodansha Ltd. e Brandon Box have officially revealed their collaboration to produce a live-action film, inspired by the iconic anime and manga “The Tiger Man“.

Live-action in preparation

Italian film production companies, Story Pictures e Brandon Boxtogether with the acclaimed Japanese company Kodanshahave officially signed a collaboration agreement to bring to the big screen a live action feature film inspired by the saga of “Tiger Mask“, known in Italy as “The Tiger Man“. This new cinematic incarnation will be an epic story that will unfold in the evocative settings of Italy and Japan. Yohei TakamiHead of Rights/Media Business at Kodanshahe has declared:

“It will be a product for the theatre, in our idea there is already a trilogy… probably with a foreign director, even if some Italians have already done a take and they are damn interesting, so we will decide shortly. And the actor too, we’re one step away”

«We are proud to announce this ambitious project», they comment Marco e Nicholas De AngelisCEOs of A story Pictures, «which confirms our passion for the search for universal stories, capable of exciting and involving both national and international audiences. This partnership with Brandon Box e Kodansha represents an important step in the strategic positioning of our company and in the audiovisual production scenario.”

Tiger Man: the story

Ikki Kajiwara wrote and Naoki Tsuji illustrated the original manga “The Tiger Man“, published in Japan by the publishing house Kodansha from 1968 to 1971. The series debuted in the magazine Bokura Magazine (1968–1969) and continued on Weekly Shonen Magazine (1970–1971). Kajiwara was a renowned master of Japanese manga, known not only forThe Tiger Man“, but also for cult series such as “Tommy: The Giants Star”focused on baseball, and “Rocky Joe”, which tells the story of a young boxer. The manga of “The Tiger Man” was published in Italy by Panini Comicsserving as the inspiration for a highly successful anime series that first aired in 1984.

The film, which will see a new face take on the role of the iconic tiger mask, currently has no set cast or release date. We are awaiting further updates, monitoring the evolution of the situation with interest.

What do you think about it? Let us know on our profile Instagram. To always be updated on news from all over the world, continue to follow us on Nasce, Cresce, Streamma.


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2023-11-21 09:17:37
#liveaction #Italy #Japan


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