Lion Escapes from Circus in Ladispoli: Concerns About Animal Safety and Public Safety Raised

Published: Saturday, November 11, 2023 – news editorial team

LADISPOLI (news) – The animal tracked in a reed thicket in the area

Incredible in Ladispoli, on the Roman coast. A lion escaped from the circus in viale Mediterraneo: It happened today around 3.40pm. Police, finance and carabinieri from the Ladispoli station, Civitavecchia and forestry were on site and managed to identify the visibly frightened animal around 4pm in a reed thicket near the circus.

A helicopter flew over the area for a long time and the ringmaster also arrived on site with a cage.

“A lion escaped from the circus waiting in Viale Mediterraneo. The animal was immediately traced into the adjacent watercourse. The circus staff is implementing capture operations, with the support of the police who promptly intervened on site”, wrote in the last few hours mayor of Ladispoli Alessandro Grando.

“Please pay maximum attention and to avoid travel until further notice. For those who will start to ask: why do you still have the circus with animals come to Ladispoli? Why did the mayor authorize the circus?

The answer is that I have not authorized anything, it is not up to me to do so, and that unfortunately we cannot ban circuses with animals from coming to our city. In 2017 we tried but we lost the appeal to the TAR and we also had to reimburse the legal costs to the appellants. Until the rules change we won’t be able to do otherwise. I will give you more information as soon as it is communicated to me.”

Social media inevitably went wild, amid great alarm and a hint of sarcasm typical of these occasions. “I live right across the street and they are looking for him but he can’t be found” writes a frightened girl. “Poor animals. I hope they don’t find him again and that these squalid shows can end”, comments a woman. And someone with great presence of mind: “The solution for the supernumerary of wild boars has been found.”

“We learn from a social post by the mayor of Ladispoli, Alexander Grando, that this afternoon a lion escaped from a circus with animals. The mayor himself invites citizens to “avoid travel until further notice”. They write fromOIPA, International Animal Protection Organization.

Today’s episode is exemplary: highlights the danger of circuses with animals from the point of view of public safety and above all the discomfort of animals forced into captivity and used in shows.

L’The bad ones returns to hope for the introduction of one law prohibiting circuses with animals, also in compliance with the new article 9 of the Constitution which “protects the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems, also in the interests of future generations”. Unlike those that use animals, circus shows with only acrobats and clowns can be educational, showing human talents and not the painful constraints of sentient beings forced by man to perform through heavy training.”

2023-11-11 21:06:19
#hours #fear #Ladispoli


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