Leonardo Penza and Daniele Gabrielini Shine at the Italian Beginners Championships

Leonardo Penza’s pillow is a slotto on Tito of Italy. If you have reached Riccione at the Italian Beginners Championships b A2, where Leonardo Penza, assistant, and Daniele Gabrielini participated. Want a splendid race, the first one won the silver medal, graduating as Vice Italian Champion. Once the first round has been passed, the test of series n.2 ends, thanks to the results achieved at the National Stadium in 2023, before the first meeting with Mattia Bartolini (Kodokan Serrano) at the start of the race, carrying out two different Actions. The second match ended with Matteo Della Bella (Club Libertas Mon) using an ippon (well technical) from Harai Joshi, the first to run. Third in the controversy against Giacomo Goenzi (Judo Invorio): Senisi won the clash with Colpo without major problems. In the semi-final against Francesco Grande (Olympique Asti) he had an excellent performance in the katagurumma, managing his opponent. In the end Penza fought against Yuri Berardi, in test n.1 of the series, after a complete management of the match on a technical and tactical level, about two minutes from the golden score. A beautiful permanent medallion of every value, a great fruit of the influence that Mite Soul Tatami Senise had. Daniele Gabrielli, the first to live the national experience. First of all he beat Filippo Ungaro (Judo Roncadelle), he did very well and has wine for all three Sanctions against his opponent. The following duels beat Pietro Carelli (Nicholas) at the right time. The result extended to Gabrielini is certainly motivating for the important future. Coach Yuri Ferretti accompanies the athletes and is very proud of the performance of both and of the beautiful medal won by Penza, a medal that will allow him to participate in the Italian A1 Championship, the highest rookie category, at the PalaPellicone in Ostia. .

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2023-11-18 10:32:17
#Judo #Leonardo #Penzas #pillow #Italys #chest #candy


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