Le Portel, Chalon-sur-Saône, and Roanne Dominate in Betclic ELITE: Who Will Stop Them?

Betclic ELITE – During this 11th day of the championship, Le Portel signed a 6th consecutive victory against Blois (71-80), the Chorale de Roanne was able to continue against Limoges (79-76) while Elan Chalon found the path to victory against Strasbourg (101-91).

Who will stop Le Portel? Not ADA Blois this Saturday

But who will stop Le Portel? We might wonder, as the Portelo club has just scored a 6th consecutive victory in Betclic ELITE against Blois this Saturday (71-80). And this new positive result for the ESSM is not without dispute, Le Portel having been in the lead during almost the entire game. Being able to count on a dominant interior sector (43 rebounds to 31), with always Bastien Vautier as leader (16 points, 8 rebounds and 5 assists), the men ofEric Girard always seemed in control. If Blois was able to count on a good Milan Barbitch (20 points), the ADA conceded too much delay at the start of the final period to hope for a possible comeback. This is the 2nd home defeat for the Blésois, the 6th in total this season.

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Chalon-sur-Saône regains victory against Strasbourg

In a series of three defeats in a row, Elan Chalon got back on track against Strasbourg (101-91). At the Colisée, Chalon-sur-Saône delivered an impeccable first period (50% 3-point success, 4 lost balls) to pass almost 60 points in barely 20 minutes (59-44). Subsequently, the SIG dragged this failed first half of the match like a ball, despite several returns to 6 points (71-65). If Aleksej Nikolic (15 points and 9 assists) did the job in the first half, Antoine Eïto, not in a great evening of skill (15 points and 5 assists), took over at the end of the match to allow his team to win. Despite a rebound against Saint-Quentin, Strasbourg is now on the edge of the red zone (15th, 4 wins and 7 losses).

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Roanne resists the return of Limoges

After its victory at the buzzer against JL Bourg, Roanne continued against a big team in the championship, Limoges CSP (79-76). However, thanks to Nicolas Lang and its skill (18 points at 4/8 at 3-points), the CSP started the best, leading by a dozen points at the end of the 1st quarter (12-24, 9′). For his last match with Roanne, Lewis Sullivan (15 points at 6/8 on shots) allowed the Choir to rebalance the debates then lead during the second half. But the Limougeauds did not admit defeat and forced a tense end to the match at Halle Vacheresse. However, Ilias Kantzouris’ men made a huge communication error in defense which allowed Cyril Langevine and the Roannais to have three points in advance 10 seconds from the end of the game (79-76). On the next possession, the 3-point shot ofAlexandre Chassang (11 points and 7 rebounds) could not find the target.

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2023-11-11 19:46:00
#consecutive #victories #Portel #Chorale #Roanne #confirms #Limoges


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