Late Equalizer Secures Larcianese a Vital Point in San Piero a Sieve

Thanks to a precise action in the penalty area, started by Biagioni and finished on goal by Lenti with a low shot, Larcianese snatched the equalizer in full injury time and returned from the difficult trip to San Piero a Sieve with an important point. A goal that avoided a mock defeat for the team coached by Mr. Cerasa, who had held the ball in their hands for almost the entire 90′. An excellent first half, during which Larcianese created several goals with the lateral incursions on the wing by Lo Russo and Iannello. But as often happens at Larcianese, the much play produced does not translate into the net. At the start of the second half, an unfortunate episode for the Viola: Fusco, in an attempt to return, touches the ball with his hand. Penalty that Gori scores, giving the locals the lead. Larcianese suffers a psychological repercussion and for about twenty minutes she is unable to react and make herself dangerous. Then Cerasa is good at making some substitutions, which allow the Viola team to have greater liveliness and competitive fury. In the end, the offensive action was pressing and constant. First a shot by Bruchi was saved on the goal line, then Lenti’s liberating goal, which gave the match a fairer result. A good start for tomorrow’s Italian Cup match, at 7pm at the Cei, against Lampo Meridien.

Lampo Meridien who instead approaches the cup match with a completely different mood, after the unexpected and surprising narrow defeat in the away match against Luco. The Valdinievoni team never managed to become dangerous in the entire 90′. Indeed, it was the home team that came close to doubling their lead several times. Elio Rinaldi’s comment was rather disappointed and angry: “the team played decidedly badly – ​​admits the manager –. We never made a shot towards the opponents’ goal. If we want to have high ranking ambitions, we cannot afford similar performances , against a team that was within our reach.”

Intercomunale Monsummano also lost, losing 3-0 at the “Strulli” against Real Cerretese. There is anger at Amaranth over a series of decisions made by the referee Bigongiari, which did not leave both the fans and the players happy. “Until the expulsion, the match was balanced – says manager Fanucci –. However, it is difficult to comment on the match, given what happened on the pitch. I want to congratulate the boys, because it was not easy to play from the start with a referee like that. I don’t usually complain, but it’s the reality.” In fact, Intercomunale complains about a penalty not given to Matteoni’s team at the end of the first half, shortly before the referee awarded one to the guests, saved by Grasso. Furthermore, the Monsummanese have objections to the expulsion of Perillo, which put the match on hold for Real Cerretese, as well as the first goal conceded, where the referee would not have stopped the game with an Amaranth player on the ground due to injury. “Now we need to let our anger cool down and prepare for the next race, which will be difficult”, concludes Fanucci.

Closing dedicated to Casalguidi, who won an important point in the match played at home against Castelnuovo Garfagnana. After going two goals down, the yellow and blue managed to come back and make an impact, with the goals scored by Martini and Paccagnini. “We went behind due to an error on our part, and then, suffering the blow, we conceded the 2-0 – recalls coach Benesperi –. But we reacted, and with skill we halved the deficit. In the second half we played very well, finding the net almost immediately to make it 2-2. Bonfanti’s expulsion didn’t allow us to complete the comeback.”

Mancini–Lo Iacono

2023-11-21 05:41:57
#Larcianese #Lampo #Meridien #Opposing #minds #derby


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