Keys to facing the emotional impact of perimenopause and menopause

Keys to facing the emotional impact of perimenopause and menopause

11/29/2023 Act. at 18:51 CET

The menopause transition, also known as perimenopause, involves multiple physical, relational, but also emotional changes.

The Menopause is a natural process that all women experience at some point in their lives. It means the definitive cessation of menstruation and the end of reproductive capacity. And its effects are many, physical and mental, which vary from one woman to another and are not always easy to manage.

According to the head of the Olympia Women’s Health Service, the Dr. Gema García Gálvezthe menopause transition, also known as perimenopauseinvolves multiple Physical changes (weight gain, effects of lowering hormones, etc.) and relationalbut also moody.

Changes that do not have to affect as intensely as they often do, since they can be optimized to experience this stage with a better state of health and well-being.

Menopause involves multiple physical, relational, but also emotional changes.


Six keys to facing the emotional effects of menopause

In this line, the Dr. Victoria Valdésfrom Olympia Menopause Clinic, encourages women to approach menopause positively.

“Although the transition stage is a challenge that requires changes in lifestyle and often specific treatments that will be addressed in the consultation, we should not lose sight of the advantages of this new life phase“says the specialist.

1 – The first issue to take into account is that after many years the woman is freed from menstruation and the associated problems to the menstrual cycle (pain, skin problems, etc.)

2 – Another issue that can make menopause look positive is everything related to contraception. Not having to worry about the use of contraceptive methods allows women to “enjoy a more spontaneous and relaxed intimate life”points out the doctor.

With menopause, the inconveniences of having a period also disappear.


3 – Self-discovery and self-acceptance. By facing the physical and emotional changes typical of this period, women have the opportunity to rediscover themselves and learn to accept and love their body in all its stages.

4 – New priorities. “Many women find greater clarity about what really matters in life and focus on taking care of themselves and pursuing their personal passions and goals,” the specialists emphasize.

5 – Greater freedom and leisure time. The age at which menopause occurs usually coincides with the fact that the children have already grown up, in the case of women who have them, and with a different working life. This allows women to have more freedom and free time to carry out those activities they want and do it in a more satisfactory way.

6 – Maturity and wisdom. “After going through different stages of life, you can now face new challenges with a broader and more comprehensive perspective, the experts conclude.

The help of gynecologists is essential to face menopause.

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The fundamental role of gynecologists

In short, as described by Dr. Antonio Gosálvezthroughout the transition to menopause, the goal is recover inner balance and well-being that the woman was at thirty years old.

And this can only be done:

Recovering psychological well-beingfacing insomnia, fatigue, sadness or concentration difficulties typical of this vital moment. Treating physical symptoms (hot flashes, hand pain, muscle loss, dry skin or genitals) and relational well-being“irritability, emotional lability, reduced libido,” says the doctor.

To do this, it is convenient to have the help of gynecology teams that have the tools to deal with all these discomforts, including drugs, such as natural hormones.

“Unlike synthetic hormones, natural hormones have no involvement with cancer, thrombosis, weight gain or the appearance of hair,” explains Dr. Antonio Gosálvez.

2023-11-29 17:54:26
#Keys #facing #emotional #impact #perimenopause #menopause


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