Juve’s Solid Defense and Ruthless Offense: A Winning Combination


Solid at the back and ruthless up front, capable like no one of capitalizing on every opportunity: the Bianconeri haven’t conceded a goal in six games and are keeping pace with the Nerazzurri

06 nov 2023

here she is l’anti-Interbeautiful not even a little, with a very questionable game but solid like no one and just as cynical to stay on top of the championship. There Juve on Allegri he is the mirror of his coach, one who pays attention to statistics especially, if not only, when it comes to goals conceded. Because, he often repeats (wisely), the championship almost always goes to the team that concedes the fewest goals. So let’s keep this number: zero goals conceded in the last six games, 16 points won out of the 18 available with 6 goals scoredfour consecutive victories with important scalps such as Milan e Fiorentina, always away and the feeling that, by hook or by crook, they will carry on like this until the end. The best defense in the league (six goals conceded in eleven games equal to Inter) is nothing more than the synthesis of a philosophy, a philosophy that cares nothing about aesthetics and doesn’t care in the slightest about the other data that should have weight: goals scored 17, seventh best attack.

The men? All in all, one is as good as the other. As
Allegri did less than
Danilo at a delicate moment of the season and has dusted off an excellent one
Rugani while still keeping the goal inviolate
Szczesny (
8 clean sheet su undici4 of the six goals conceded in the single match against
Sassuolo). He alternated the various ones
Chiesa, Vlahovic, Kean e Milik without suffering injuries or drops in form, he even overcame the double shock of disqualifications
Pogba and Beans without making a pleat. The plot doesn’t change anyway: having found the goal, his Juventus retreats with ten men under the line of the ball and passing becomes almost impossible.

Does he play badly? And who cares.
They have seven points more than last championship (again like Inter). Will he be able to maintain this average score despite a less than exciting move? Possible. Not certain, but possible. And it doesn’t matter if you play against the
Verona or Milan it’s more or less the same thing. One to zero and off we go, keeping a pace that
Juve he forgot about it in the last seasons. Do the most sophisticated fans hold their noses? Who cares else, the results count, which for now say that
Atalantafifth, slipped to
7 points and the Champions zone, the declared objective, is armored.

Meanwhile, the long lead-up to the direct clash against
Inter on 26 November (after the international break at the Allianz Stadium) will pass for the home match against
Cagliari. Then it will be the turn of the away team
Monza (lethal last year), but at the end of a week that will be very tough for the Nerazzurri, with the away match
Lisbona in Champions against the
Benfica and that of
Maradona against the
Napoli, and the fatigue that could begin to be felt. In short, at the beginning of December, the advantage of playing only one match a week could be felt. And this ugly but solid and winning Juve could also find themselves looking down on everyone from top to bottom.


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