Judo World Champion Alexander Wieczerzak Trains with TG Schwalbach Judokas

The two-time judo world champion Alexander Wieczerzak visited the TG Schwalbach judokas at the end of October for a two-hour training session followed by an autograph session.

Department head Ralf Bacher was able to bring the Frankfurt-born judoka to Schwalbach thanks to some sponsors. TG Schwalbach was supported by the companies Eggenweiler, ROB, Immobilien zum Leben, Nassauische Sparkasse, the district and the Mohlberg family.

The Schwalbachers were prepared for training with a coordination-demanding warm-up program. We continued with grip fighting exercises and running with a partner. Various judo techniques were then developed and tried out using the one-sided sleeve grip. In the final practice fights, the practiced techniques were tried out and applied extensively again. At the end, Alexander Wieczerzak was available to answer questions and request autographs.

Alexander Wieczerzak won his first gold medal at the Junior World Championships in Agadir in 2010. In 2017 he became judo world champion for the second time in Budapest. He is one of the most successful German judokas and has been a member of the national judo team since 2012. Since this year he has also been the new judo sponsor for youth training for the Olympics and Paralympics. red

2023-11-07 18:59:21
#Training #world #champions #SZplus


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