Judo Trainer Sentenced to Almost Ten Years for Child Abuse

Hagen The 34-year-old is said to have sexually assaulted children in the judo club in Altena for years. He is sentenced to almost ten years in prison.

The Hagen regional court sentenced a 34-year-old judo trainer to almost ten years in prison for child abuse in over 600 cases. According to the agency report, the man was guilty of child abuse in 519 cases, and 139 cases involved serious sexual child abuse, according to the agency report.

The 34-year-old was also accused of abusing young people in 27 cases, as well as creating child pornography in seven cases, as spokeswoman Désirée Kuhn-Pfeil from the Hagen regional court said. The court sentenced the defendant to nine years and eight months in prison at the hearing on Monday (November 7th). “The defendant confessed to the crimes,” confirms Désirée Kuhl-Pfeil.

According to the indictment, the man is said to have repeatedly abused children and young people over a period of 20 years between 2003 and 2023. At the beginning, the victims, who were minors at the time, were boys from the neighborhood, explains the court spokeswoman. The defendant later made contact with 23 boys through his work as a trainer for children and young people, some of whom he contacted privately and whose trust he is said to have exploited. The attacks therefore took place both in the training rooms and changing rooms of the judo club in Altena and in the defendant’s apartment in Nachrodt-Wiblingwerde in the Märkisches Kreis.

More articles from this category can be found here: Sauerland and Siegerland

2023-11-07 16:12:02
#Judo #trainer #convicted #child #abuse #cases


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