Joan-Benjamin Gaba on the path to Olympic selection: Wins French Championships in Caen

Expected to turn the corner after his defeat in the first round of the European championships, Joan-Benjamin Gaba won the French championships this Saturday in Caen. He remains on pole for the Olympic selection in less than 73 kilos.

Joan-Benjamin Gaba had guts to come to the cutthroat of Caen. French leader for the under 73 kilos, he had more to lose than to gain in the mess of the 1st Div’. This competition where some come backwards, where the risk is great of being trapped by their opponents from Insep. Joan-Benjamin Gaba came close to the gadin several times, he remained standing and went to the end of his five “mental” fights.

During his first meeting, he receives an entry waza-ari. He ends up equalizing before ending up immobilized. In the second round too, he was tossed around. He was led to penalties and found the opening in overtime. In the quarter-final, he found a mouse hole after more than 9 minutes of duel. Gaba always has problems projecting but he has the merit of never straying from his plan, of tightening the defense. This rap fan who likes to write down a few lyrics could be the inspiration for Eminem’s Till I Collapse.

A fortnight ago in Montpellier, during the Euro, he came out ingloriously in the first round against a Serb. Touched, he confided that he was “in tough times”, incapable of sublimating himself. At the end of the continental meeting, he dragged on while his teammates danced on the tatami. In Caen, it didn’t sink: “It’s just a mission accomplished. I came for that. Any other metal would have been of no use to me. In Europe, I didn’t perform well. I felt obliged to come here. If I hadn’t come I would have considered it an escape. The only valid reason not to come would have been to get a medal at the Euro.”

Gaba was targeted by those who wanted to overtake him. Benjamin Axus is third as is Orlando Cazorla. Guillaume Chaine, 37, selected for the Olympic Games in Tokyo, was gambling if he wanted to compete in the Olympics again. He gave in in overtime due to an immobilization of the Chilly-Mazarin judoka. Thirty-seventh in the world under 73 kilos, Gaba is not first Tricolore (Axus is 27th) but he will keep the scepter of national leader: “I had no choice. The thing that helps me the most afterwards a defeat is to have another objective. I put myself in my head to win the France. By doing that I didn’t have time to dwell on my defeat in Montpellier. It’s the rising phase which is starting I hope. There are ups and downs in a career. I was coming back from injury. Now I’m going to go all out between now and the selection for the Olympics.”

This gold medal in Caen sends Gaba to the Paris tournament at the beginning of February. This is where the rest of its future must be written. Beat foreign sides and if possible grab a medal in this high-level tournament. Gaba is reliable in the mixed team competition in which the under 73 kilos have a spot. At the last Worlds, he humiliated the Japanese Hashimoto, who will be present at Paris 2024. This is his totem, his advantage over his national opponents if none of them produce great performances between now and the Olympic selection, which will probably take place at spring. Until then he will have to save on his main quality “not giving up”. And if possible, go on the attack.

2023-11-18 21:47:21
#pressure #Gaba #remains #leader #kilos


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