Investigation ‘Code 10’ | How sects work and how to get out of them

A reporter from ‘Código 10’ contacts an alleged spiritual leader who would have obtained a million euros from her followers

“He presents himself as an incarnate God and attracts women through Facebook groups,” said a woman who managed to escape from another sect.

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‘Code 10’ analyzes how cults work. A woman from the team contacts a shaman who has already obtained more than a million euros from her followers and the victim of another supposed spiritual leader tells us how she managed to get out: “I managed to wake up and be free.”

The Internet is the gateway for many sects, the expert Juantxo Rodríguez He told us in ‘Code 10’ that there are people in charge of “probing” to find out your preferences and your problems and thus know how to convince you.

The program has contacted an alleged spiritual leader. She tells him that she is in a delicate moment in her life and she needs “some light”; “light is made by embracing what we do not reject,” she responded, using abstract language. She gives him more details explaining that she is going through a traumatic divorce and the shaman talks to her about “family constellations” or “process work.”

Help is never disinterested, ‘Code 10’ has had access to a document that reveals that its followers already They would have helped him with more than a million euros.

The case of a victim who managed to get out

‘Code 10’ has also spoken with a victim of another sect that would be led by a man nicknamed Lucifer: “I was captured through social networks, I have a mastiff like many of the women who are by his side, that’s how it started my story, without imagining that it would be the beginning of the abuse of my life.

“He presents himself as an incarnate God and attracts women through Facebook groups,” the woman relates, reiterating that the victims are single women with particular physical characteristics: “Light-skinned because we are women of the Aryan race because it promulgates Hitler’s Nazism. “He comes to control our feelings or our thinking.”

Of course, this woman has recovered her life: “I managed to wake up and be free of his manipulation, of his lies, of his threats.”


2023-11-29 01:21:32
#Investigation #Code #sects #work


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