Introducing the Five-Player Variant of Baseball: A New Twist on a Classic Game

Variant of five

As these Greens look to the future with hope, they have also decided to broaden their range by focusing on a popular variant. As 15-a-side rugby has a little brother which is played with seven players, baseball now has a variation with five players instead of nine.

With quite a few differences from the big brother. No bat but a hand that catapults a ball, in forehand tennis mode. It’s lively (contrary to the image attached to the original discipline), fun and attractive.

“It’s clearly something that can give a boost. Damien Drouault, our equipment manager, pushed us to take this route. We are therefore going to register a team to participate in the French Open, which will be played in Clermont-Ferrand in January. This will allow us to be talked about and, perhaps, attract new licensees,” hopes Richard Coston.

Still in this logic, he invites those (yes, girls are welcome) and those who would like to learn this cult sport across the Atlantic on Fridays and Saturdays at the Boillat stadium.

While waiting to find an area where the grass will be greener, where the Green Fielders can, finally, have their den.

2023-11-25 12:12:35
#Green #Fielders #search #field


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