Innovation and Entrepreneurship Shine at South Westphalia Start-up Competition

South Westphalia. Smart, new ideas advance industry and society – and there are a lot of them in South Westphalia! That’s why the South Westphalia Economics Juniors sign the JU DO! Every year, the start-up competition selects sustainable start-up concepts from the Siegen-Wittgenstein and Olpe districts.

Sebastian Pütter from Lennestadt secured first place with his company “Smart Plastify”. It brings a technical innovation for plasticizing units of injection molding machines onto the market. A special heating process can save energy and resources when processing plastics.

Second place went to Gennaro Patitucci from Wilnsdorf. With his company “Camp and Action” he rents out camping and transport vehicles in the leisure and activity sector. Depending on their wishes, customers can book camping utensils or outdoor equipment such as SUP boards directly together.

Till Seyer from Netphen took third place with his product development “”. He has developed an app that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help Apple users process text.

“We are very pleased about the renewed positive response, the wide range of exciting topics and future-oriented ideas and are impressed by the personal commitment of the young self-employed people in pushing their ideas forward,” emphasized Tim Sinner, deputy chairman of the South Westphalia Economic Juniors.

In cooperation with the start-up network Startpunkt 57, the IHK Siegen and the Volksbank in Südwestfalen, a total of 10,000 euros in prize money will be awarded to clever start-up ideas.

2023-11-11 14:03:31
#Smart #startup #ideas #South #Westphalia #awarded


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