How do Spaniards value the commitments of the PSOE?

How do citizens value the commitments acquired by the PSOE with the nationalist parties? What opinion do you have about the amnesty law and the pacts? These are questions that have been answered in a survey of GAD3 for Mediaset Spain. From the set of ‘Cuatro al día’, the presenter of the weekend edition Roberto Arce has highlighted some of the results that the answers show.

How do you value the commitments of the PSOE with the nationalist parties?

“It is very striking that it is the condonation of the 15 billion debt a Catalonia genera more rejection than amnesty“, Arce has stressed, pointing out that “until 65.9 percent of Spaniards it is against” of debt forgiveness; while the amnesty “is rejected by 63 percent of respondents.”

Other commitments such as the transfer of the Social Security economic regime to the Basque Country or the transfer of competence over Cercanías to Catalonia are also valued negatively by more than half of those surveyed.

The supervision of the agreements between the PSOE and Junts by international verifiers and the creation of political commissions on the work of judges are rated negatively by 49.3 percent and 45.6, respectively.

On amnesty law and about investiture pacts“he 59.8 percent think they put in danger he Rule of lawalthough 51 percent consider that, if they have a parliamentary majority, they are democratic,” Arce highlighted, emphasizing that “more than 41 percent of those surveyed assure that Spain is no longer a democracy.”


2023-11-18 14:09:31
#Spaniards #commitments #PSOE


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