Gregg Popovich’s Unsuccessful Attempt to Silence the Booing Crowd

Gregg Popovich, coach of the San Antonio Spurs, was the protagonist of a curious anecdote during the game that his team lost at home against the Los Angeles Clippers, when he took the microphone between two free throws by Kawhi Leonard to ask his own Texan public to stop. boo his rivals.

“Excuse me for a second. Can we stop booing and let these guys play? Have a little class; This is not who we are. “He’s done with the boos,” Popovich said.

His message was not received positively by the Texan public, who increased the level of booing of the Clippers players, who won the game 109-102.

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Leonard was NBA champion in 2014 with the Spurs, but asked to leave the franchise in 2018 to join the Raptors, with whom he was champion in 2019.

Since then, the Californian has been considered an ‘enemy’ by many Spurs fans.

The Clippers added their third consecutive victory in the NBA, driven by 26 points, four rebounds and four assists from Leonard.

Paul George contributed 24 points, while James Harden, another player much cheered by the public, scored 16 points, with six rebounds and nine assists.

For the Spurs, who are bottom in the West (3-12) and have lost ten consecutive games, Frenchman Victor Wembanyama contributed 22 points, fifteen rebounds and three assists.

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2023-11-23 14:22:42
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