Golden success for ‘Marga Montes’ judokas at Extremadura Championship

Golden success for ‘Marga Montes’ judokas at Extremadura Championship

A total of ten judokas from the ‘Marga Montes’ municipal Martial Arts Academy attended the ‘Juancho Pérez’ Sports Center in Badajoz, where the Extremadura Championship took place.

In this competition, held last Saturday, November 26, the fights were intended only for the Benjamín and Alevín categories.

For the majority of these Villain athletes, this competition was the first they had attended, so nerves merged with excitement.

According to her teacher Marga Montes, she feels very proud of all of them because they have left the Academy in a very good place.

Specifically, the judokas in the Benjamin category were the first to compete, achieving the following results:

Pablo Ginés Monroy and Yago García, both gold medals, Tatiana Gomes, silver medals, and Juan Manuel Verón and Alicia Rodríguez, both bronze medals.

In the Junior category, the participants won: Ángela Antequera, gold medal and Adriana Cayero, bronze medal.

In fifth place were: Nicolás Baladón, Blanca González and Andrea Pardo, who, although she is a native of Jerez de los Caballeros, represents the Villanueva del Fresno Club.

The Academy has about 35 students, ranging from four to 12 years old. Through the practice of Judo they learn very important values, which are complemented in classes with other activities that enrich their human and sports training.

Organized by this Academy, the first weekend of December, the Extremadura Olympic Wrestling Team will hold a concentration in Villanueva del Fresno.

It should be noted that Marga Montes is a National coach of: Olympic wrestling, sambo wrestling, Greco-Roman wrestling and judo and a police personal defense instructor, among others. She has a judo black belt, third Dan, from the Spanish Federation of Judo and Associated Sports. First Dan sambo and jiu-jitsu black belt.

This elite athlete began competing in 1989 in the Spanish Judo Championships in Cáceres. Today she holds 25 World titles in Europe and Spain in different combat sports modalities including (sambo wrestling, grappling, jiu-jitsu, women’s wrestling, beach wrestling and judo). Her last World Cup was in beach wrestling in Antaya (Turkey) where she became world champion in 2007.

2023-11-28 01:10:29
#Judo #Academy #brings #gold #medals #silver #bronze #medals #Extremadura #Championship


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