From Politics to Fashion: Mariana Rodríguez Launches Clothing Line for Sale on ‘Portèlo’ Platform

Mariana Rodriguez She is known for her work as an influencer, model and now in her role in politics with great efforts to improve the quality of life of children in Nuevo León; now the ‘major chabacana’ announced that her clothes will be for sale.

Samuel García’s young wife is one of the most beloved figures today As far as politics is concerned, he has thousands of followers who have proudly seen his performance in favor of the most vulnerable.

Mariana Rodríguez and her daughter.

This has led her to become one of the most popular women in the youth sector from Nuevo León and now heading towards a more ambitious goal with her husband, for 2024, it is like the fame of both ‘shot up to the heavens’.

Although Rodríguez has had an extremely humanitarian side by being seen concerned on several occasions about improving the conditions of the homeless children who live under the shelter of ‘Capullos’.

When and where to buy Mariana Rodríguez clothes

The ‘major chabacana’ now revealed to her followers that she wants many to have a little piece of her and launched a big closet salealthough most of these garments can be found in fashion stores, the difference is that these were worn by the influencer.

In his Instagram stories he indicated that over 100 pieces will be available through ‘portello’an online platform where you can buy what you like most, but keep in mind that it will open today and everything will surely happen quickly.

The store is completely secureas it is supported by various experiences of customers who have decided to purchase second-hand items to give them another chance at ‘life’, especially when they are fully functional.

If you like the versatile style of the famous influencer and you want to be very ‘phospho phospho’, remember that to buy Mariana Rodríguez clothes you will have to enter the website of ‘Portèlo’ this Wednesday, November 29, starting at 6:00 p.m.

Mariana Rodríguez. Photo: Jorge López


2023-11-29 17:14:00
#buy #clothing #Mariana #Rodríguez #Grupo #Milenio


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