Frank Kaminsky: Embracing New Challenges in European Basketball

Frank Kaminsky is a player for Partizan Belgrade in his first experience in Europe after eight years in the NBA. The 2.13 tall interior born in Illinois but of Polish and Serbian origin (he has already flirted with the idea of ​​playing with the Serbian national team) was a university star in Wisconsin (2011-15) and came to the NBA from the 9th in the draft in 2015. He has played for Hornets, Suns, Hawks and Rockets, and this summer he signed with Partizan with whom he is now making his debut in the Euroleague.

Kaminsky (30 years old) is beginning to get to know European basketball and his first sensations are unbeatable: “Especially in the Euroleague, every game counts, it is important. The preparation, the attention to detail… Everything is taken into account. You play in hostile environments, the arenas are crazy and the fans are brutal. It is going to be very fun”.

This new life in basketball does not surprise him too much, in any case: “I have spoken with my teammates, some with many years of experience already in Europe, and they have explained to me how things are. But I wanted to experience them in first person. I have played very important games in my career, but in the Euroleague some of the most important games in which a player can participate are played.”

What he agrees with other former NBA players is that he likes the greater toughness, the more physical level of contact in the game in Europe: “I’m not surprised with how physical the games are here. I like it, I can do more things and I’m allowed to. In the NBA, it is a more physical style, you can’t play with a lot of contact. But here you can hit people, you can push… I like that.”

2023-11-03 12:25:05
#Kaminsky #physical #game #Europe #NBA


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