Footballers and Former Players Rally Behind Sergio Massa in 2023 Election Runoff

Footballers, members of the women’s national team and former players gave their support this Wednesday to the candidacy of Sergio Massa in the runoff of the 2023 elections. with a forceful statement in which They rejected the violence of Javier Milei and his privatization proposal on the clubs. With signatures that include World champions, First Division and promotion athletes, and historical figures from all categories, the petition also denounces the pressures that footballers suffer when they are they play for a cause.

Four days before the ballot that will define the next Argentine president between Sergio Massa and Javier Milei, the players faced a social demand raised in recent weeks: the taking of positions by public figures regarding the definition of the elections, particularly those who practice the most popular sport in the country. “We cannot stay on the sidelines when such an important game is being played,” the statement said among its first words.

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The world champions Ubaldo “Pato” Fillol, Héctor “Negro” Enrique and Jorge Olguín; the player of the women’s national team Paulina Gramaglia; First class footballers Juan Cruz Komar (Rosario Central), Milton Giménez (Banfield) and Luciana Bacci ( Estudiantes de La Plata) They are some of the athletes who lead the message. Historical faces of national football such as Raul “Pacha” Cardozo, Hugo Lamadrid, Claudio “Chupete” Marini, Salvador “Tano” Pasini, Fernando Signorini, Sebastian Vidal, Jose “Chino” Vizcarra, Ruben “Bicho” Flotta, They also signed the request.

The statement also makes an internal statement to the world of professional sports and puts on the table the difficulties that players suffer when it comes to saying what they think, often questioned for not speaking in favor of popular causes. “We know that every time we raise our voice we are singled out, stigmatized or silenced, especially when our positions do not coincide with those of the sectors of concentrated Power. But in this we cannot be neutral”they denounced.

The concern of the footballers for Javier Milei

The idea of ​​condensing support for Massa into a joint expression began to take shape last weekin the run-up to the electoral debate and at the same time the initiative of the clubs of all categories of Argentine football against the Sports Joint Stock Companies (SAD). The violent expressions of the leader of La Libertad Avanza, his open denialism of the civil-military dictatorship and the dispute over two opposing models of the country were some of the reasons for the soccer players to take action. “We view with great concern the political positions that Javier Milei represents, not only for their content but also for their forms, something that in our profession we try to ponder every weekend”they stated in the request.

And they emphasized: “We do not want with our silence to be complicit in hate speech that this candidate has been preaching for a long time, of the verbal violence, which we know turns into physical violence, of the denial of what happened during the last dictatorship, that among the 30,000 compatriots that he took away, we count 220 athletes.

Last Friday, sports institutions experienced a contagion effect that led the vast majority of them to express themselves against the SAD project. that Milei complimented in an interview and that It is a historical obsession of its most recent black monk, Mauricio Macri. Already on Saturday, athletes from various disciplines signed another statement against the “chainsaw policy” planted by the Libertarian and already applied by the former president and in favor of the reestablishment of the autarky of the National High Performance Sports Entity (ENARD). announced by Massa. Besides, In the last hours, the members of Las Leonas María Victoria Granatto and Silvina “Piti” D’Elía also spoke out, and Sergio Goycochea went out to the Milei crossing through Malvinas

Regarding the privatization desire of the clubs, the footballers highlighted their adherence “to the motto that says that ‘one more kid in the club is one less kid on the street’.” In that sense, they highlighted: “Our clubs are not a business, and they are sustained by the voluntary efforts of many men and women who are motivated by commitment, solidarity and vocation. We are not moved by the rules of the market. We do not want the market to be the one that orders relationships of our lives”.

“On November 19, we already know which side we want to be on at the crossroads where history puts us: “For the kids of the Malvinas that we will not forget, for Diego and not for the war murderer Margaret Thatcher, for the dissidents, for love and for the country, we call to accompany the formula headed by Sergio Massa” sentences the message from the athletes in support of the Unión por la Patria candidate.

The complete list of signatories

Ubaldo Matildo Fillol, Fernando Signorini, Lucas Bruera, Juan Cruz Komar, Hector “Black” Enrique, Sebastian Vidal, Paulina Gramaglia, Hugo Lamadrid, Monica Santino, Luciana Bacci, Jose “Chino” Viscarra, Milton Gimenez, Matías Lescano, Alvaro Barreal, Emiliano Mendez, Raul “Pacha” Cardozo, Ignacio Bogino, Nahuel Iribarren, Salvador Pasini, Hernan Bell, Claudio “Head” Marini, Guillermo “Buffalo” Szeszurak, Nahuel Luna, Diego Chavez, Martin Civit, Claudio Grecco, Lautaro Alfonso, Diego Grecco , Marcos Zampini, Damian Troncoso, Marcelo Alvarez, Jose Barreal, Paul Desposito. Alvaro Brito, Facundo Cacciapuoti, Ezequiel Dangelo, Brian Insfran, Rodrigo Alonso, Nacho Cravero, Juan Mendoza, Damian Becker, Maximiliano Maciel, Nicolas Lurati, Hernan Bonetti, Fabian Garcia, Diego Ayunta, Laura Aguero, Martin Seri, Lautaro Diaz Laharque, Lucas Faggioli , Manuel Brandon, Ignatius Sallaberry, Joel Torres, Horacio Attadia, Salvador Azerrad, Jorge Olguin, Diego Sahu, Juan Chumba, Juan Carlos Merlo, Juan Jose “Bubu” Sanchez, Ruben “Bicho” Flotta, Raul Garrandes, Norberto Dangelo, Nahuel Oviedo , Maximilian Gallardo, John Paul Ghiglione, Henry Horace Cantoni, Joaquin Ochoa Gimenez.

The complete statement from the footballers against Milei and in favor of Massa

Requested from footballers ahead of the November 19th Ballot.

Football is the passion of Argentines and we, the protagonists, cannot stay on the sidelines when such an important match is being played. We know that every time we raise our voices we are singled out, stigmatized or silenced, especially when our positions do not coincide with those of the sectors of concentrated Power. But in this we cannot be neutral.

That is why today, when two country models are so openly and explicitly disputed, where the basic consensuses built by our young democracy are put into discussion, we want to express that we view with great concern the political positions that Javier Milei represents, not only for its content but also for its forms, something that in our profession we try to ponder every weekend.

With our silence, we do not want to be complicit in the hate speech that this candidate has been preaching for a long time, in the verbal violence that we know turns into physical violence, in the denialism of what happened during the last dictatorship that took away 30,000 compatriots. , we counted 220 athletes.

With greater concern we observe the latest statements of the candidate where he claims the Sports Joint Stock Companies (SAD), because we fervently adhere to that motto that says that “one more kid in the club is one less kid on the street”, because our clubs are not the nobody’s business; but the inclusion of thousands; and because we believe that passion is not privatized. That our clubs are not a business, and that they are sustained by the voluntary efforts of many men and women who are motivated by commitment, solidarity and vocation. That we are not moved by the rules of the market. We do not want the market to be the one that orders the relationships in our lives.

As footballers, and fundamentally as Argentines, we cannot and do not want to remain silent, because we know that in the next election many things are at stake: the minimum consensus of democracy and social coexistence. Because we know that many things are missing, and that there are great and valid demands to be met, but we are sure that it is not going backwards. We never go back. It is not with violence, it is not with shouting or insults. It is always moving forward, learning, correcting, self-criticism, as a team, with more work and with more unity… with national unity. With all of us who have the Argentine shirt on.

That is why on November 19, the undersigned, we already know which side we want to be on at the crossroads in which history puts us: for the kids of the Malvinas who we are not going to forget, for Diego and not for the war murderer Margaret Thatcher, for dissidents, for love and for the country, we call to support the formula headed by Sergio Massa.

2023-11-15 17:57:27
#Footballers #targeted #Milei #called #vote #Massa #elections #important #game #played


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