Fitness exercise: darkening the eyes | TIME ONLINE

From the series: Our personal trainer

This exercise is often ridiculed, completely unfairly. Because if you become tired or unable to concentrate, it is often due to your eyes. Here’s how to relax her.

Here’s how to darken your eyes. This is a fitness exercise. © Meiko Herrmann for ZEIT ONLINE

In the series “Our personal trainer” show us the Berlin fitness coach Sebastian Grüner an exclusive physical exercise every week that will help us become stronger, healthier and more beautiful. This article is part of TIME on the weekendissue 44/2023.

This exercise is often laughed at, but it is one of the favorites of our fitness trainer Sebastian Grüner. Because even though what we call darkening of the eyes here sounds banal, it is important. If you feel like you’re losing concentration or getting tired while reading – whether on paper or on a screen – it’s often because of your eyes. When they relax, you relax too. So don’t underestimate this part of your body.


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