Feyenoord Coach Arne Slot Reflects on Team’s Performance in International Matches

Feyenoord Coach Arne Slot Reflects on Team’s Performance in International Matches

Arne Slot watched the international match between the Dutch team and Gibraltar with some amazement. Calvin Stengs scored three goals that game.

At the press conference, Slot is asked whether his players play very differently at their national team than at Feyenoord. “They do other things, but I have never seen Calvin score three times with us,” Slot laughs at the press conference on Friday. “Maybe if we organize a practice match sometime, it will work out here too.”

Yet he sees that many players take their Feyenoord game with them to the international break. “I saw Hartman give crosses, as he always does with us,” he explains. “The way Calvin plays is the same as ours, but he doesn’t immediately score all those goals. It would be strange if they were suddenly different players in the national team. It doesn’t work that way.”


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