Elisabet, Ruth, Sandra, Arantxa… The 14 women murdered this 2023

Elisabet, Ruth, Sandra, Arantxa… The 14 women murdered this 2023

BarcelonaMexist violence has claimed the lives of 14 women in Catalonia in the 11 months since 2023. Eight minors have been orphaned as a result of these murders, according to data from the Department of Equality and Feminism of the Generalitat. In most cases there were no previous complaints between the couple, a constant in male violence for different reasons, such as the woman’s fear of pointing out the husband or father of the children, the lack of an alternative, mistrust of the system or simply because they do not identify themselves as victims. Almost all of the murderers have entered prison preventively. Behind each crime hides the story of a woman with names and surnames, and in some cases her creatures.

Elizabeth, 38 years old

Elisabeth, 38 years old, was originally from El Prat de Llobregat and had three children, although she did not have custody of them and they live with their father. She was murdered by her partner at the time of the events in Balaguer on January 18, and it was the first sexist murder of this 2023.


Ruth was killed more than two years ago, but it wasn’t until earlier this year that her executioner, who was her romantic partner, confessed to the murder. Both lived in Barcelona, ​​but the man buried the victim’s body in a property he had in Pontons, where the Civil Guard found the body.

Sandra, 60 years old

Sandra was a transsexual woman in her sixties who had recently obtained, after a lot of struggle, an official protection flat on Carrer Selva de Mar, in the Sant Martí district of Barcelona. She went to live there with her partner, who after a year of fights and screams, stabbed her to death last February 7.

Arantxa, 31 years old

Arantxa was expecting a child and had been living in Manresa for a few months with her partner, who murdered her on May 6. 2.5% of pregnant women are subjected to violence, according to a survey in the primary care consultations of the Catalan Institute of Health, which has a specific protocol to detect risky situations.

Lida Esperanza, 39 years old

It had been a year since Lida Esperanza had married the man who became her executioner when he stabbed her to death. It was June 11, 2023. They lived in a flat in Cornellà with their two-year-old son and another 12-year-old relative.


Francy spent several days fighting in hospital against the injuries caused by her partner after he threw her off the floor where they lived in l’Hospitalet de Llobregat on June 20, but she eventually died. The couple had a minor child. The Family Courts withdrew parental authority from the murderer.


Kirsti, like her husband, was Irish. The couple spent a few days in a hotel in Salou where he strangled her to death last July 3.

Carla, 27 years old

Carla was murdered in her apartment in Girona on July 27 by an ex-partner with whom she had had a short romantic relationship.

Elena, 29 years old

She was murdered in a flat in Turó de la Peira (Nou Barris) in Barcelona last July 30 by her 34-year-old partner. His and Carla’s murders happened just three days apart.

Anna, 79 years old

Her son killed her last September 7 in Reus. He himself confessed to assaulting the mother after calling the Emergency Services.

Rosa M., 71 years old

On the same day that Ana was killed, Rosa M. was also killed in an apartment in Palamós. The Mossos d’Esquadra arrested her husband days later as responsible for the crime.

Laura, 40 years old

Laura was murdered by her partner in the flat where they lived in Tarragona last September 17. The man called 911 claiming that she had been found dead at home, but the autopsy confirmed that he had killed her.


Irene disappeared in September 2022 in Vilafranca del Penedès, but her body has not been located. Last October 7, the Mossos d’Esquadra arrested her 77-year-old husband for murdering her. The police attribute to him at least three sexual assaults on teenagers under the age of 16 between 2005 and 2013.


Beatriz’s body appeared last October 20 buried between two concrete blocks in the middle of some orchards in Torallola (Pallars Jussà), owned by her romantic partner, who was arrested for her murder.

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2023-11-24 21:03:38
#Elisabet #Ruth #Sandra #Arantxa.. #women #murdered


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