Elections in Boca: the opposition gave a new response to the advertising spot that the ruling party had launched

Next December 2, the partners of Boca Juniors They are going to choose the group that will lead the club for the next four years and in this scenario, different crossovers have appeared between Juan Román Riquelme and Andrés Ibarra.

In recent days, different videos have appeared on social networks that seek to convince voters. The opponents, of course, argue criticism of the current management, while Riquelme ratifies several achievements achieved in recent years.

Now, the proposal led by Ibarra presented a spot in which they maintain that “It wasn’t politics, it was 16 years. It’s time and it’s now,” mentioned at the end of the audiovisual material.

It should be added that in this piece they responded to the current vice president with their opinions that highlighted that these next elections would be simple. Since it must continue to be a football club instead of using the institution for political purposes.


2023-11-20 01:29:24
#Elections #Boca #opposition #gave #response #advertising #spot #ruling #party #launched


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