desperately seeking private security agent for the Olympics

desperately seeking private security agent for the Olympics

A stone’s throw from the A4 motorway, in one of the business zones of Noisy-le-Grand (Seine-Saint-Denis), nestle the offices of Nouvel R, an SME in the private security sector created in 2004 and has had a training center for almost ten years. The whole thing has the air of a hive, the nooks and crannies of which we discover by following Loïc Duval, who has been its development and integration manager since 2020. He spends most of his time recruiting and welcoming apprentice agents: young people looking for employment. integration, unemployed people pushed by Pôle emploi to join this “in tension” sector, security guards wishing to move up the ranks by obtaining new certificates…

“I don’t sell them dreams, I talk about the advantages and disadvantages, the long hours, the low salary. But it remains a sector where you can enter and progress regardless of your age, your diplomae, his nationality, his gender”, says the man who started as a security guard in a Lidl supermarket fifteen years ago. Here, men, in the majority, are supervised by a collection of trainers from the private sector, but also retirees from the police and gendarmerie who provide their theoretical and practical knowledge in class or in the disused car dealership available to the business.

In a minimum of five weeks, apprentices obtain – subject to validation after administrative investigation by the National Council for Private Security Activities (CNAPS) – the professional title of prevention and security agent (one hundred and seventy-five hours of training), the different levels of the fire safety and personal assistance service or the certification allowing you to supervise a team.

In mid-December, Nouvel R will also offer the one hundred and six hour express training designed by the CNAPS in 2022 to have so-called “major events” agents equipped with a temporary professional card. In other words, urgent reinforcement for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Mikaël, security officer at the Georges-Pompidou hospital, teaches concepts related to the SSIAP (Fire safety and personal assistance service), in Noisy-le-Grand (Seine-Saint-Denis), October 26, 2023 . CAMILLE MILLERAND / DIVERGENCE FOR “THE WORLD”

These are putting the private security sector in turmoil. For two years, the State has made significant efforts to ensure that the sector no longer suffers from a chronic labor shortage (some 20,000 agents are missing on a daily basis, according to sector representatives). 46 million euros have been released by the State since 2022, including 31 million for the year 2021, in particular to invest in training, as recalled by the prefect of the Ile-de-France region, Marc Guillaume, end of September. The objective being that private security can be there for Paris 2024. This must provide half of the 17,000 agents who must be available every day on average. The other half is managed directly by the committee’s partner site managers (such as the Roland-Garros stadium, for example).

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2023-11-30 08:00:04
#desperately #seeking #private #security #agent #Olympics


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