Deshaun Watson: The Browns’ Worst Trade in NFL History

What you need to know:

In his 12 games with Browns, Deshaun Watson has a record of eight wins and four losses

Deshaun Watson’s 2023 season came to an end and all thanks to a new injury that will force him to undergo surgery. The QB’s shoulder is not good and the best thing for his health is surgery. Buuuut, Can anyone think of the Browns?

The quarterback has been with Cleveland for two years and in both years, he has only been able to play a few games at 100%, because injuries and scandals have not left him at all.

It’s not Deshaun Watson’s problem, because injuries can happen, but the Browns do have the problem. They paid him a million dollars and he hasn’t gotten back those dollars.

Deshaun Watson just doesn’t perform at Browns – Photo: Getty Images

Deshaun Watson’s mega contract with Browns

Deshaun Watson had shown a lot of quality in the Texans, but their scandals marginalized them from the field. After many lawyers, legal issues and disputes, his conviction was announced (what he paid with Cleveland), in addition to leaving the Texas franchise.

He was looking for a new team, the Browns needed a QB and need joined with hunger. Somehow, we don’t explain how, but Deshaun Watson convinced Cleveland.

And he convinced them to sign him with a mega contract, worthy of a QB like Tom Brady, Peyton Manning or even Aaron Rodgers… but, the Browns decided to give him to Deshaun Watson.

What the hell are we talking about? The Browns They gave him a five-year contract with 230 million dollars guaranteed, that is, whatever happens, play or not play, win or not win; The QB will collect all that money.

The crazy contract that the Browns gave the QB – Photo: Getty Images

Why is he the number 1 candidate for the worst trade in NFL history?

If we talk in terms of money, without a doubt, the Browns are the ones who have lost the most in terms of cost benefit. Because No team had given an entire guaranteed contract to any player..

He has already been in Cleveland for two years, that is, if we divide the 230 million contract by five, each season of Deshaun Watson costs 46 million dollars.

They carry 96 million spent and the QB has only been in 12 games out of a possible 34 in the regular season (counting those that will be lost in 2023). Obviously, he hasn’t played in playoff games due to injuries and suspensions.

Cleveland has lost a lot of money with the QB trade – Photo: Getty Images

They brought him in to take the franchise to the postseason and he hasn’t succeeded, that’s when the money spent pays a lot in the kokoro of Clevelandbut that’s not the point.

It wasn’t just the money they gave Deshaun Watson, but what they gave the Texans for him. The Browns put three first round picks on the table to take the QB.

Buuuut, it doesn’t end there. Ahead of the 2022 season, They let the backup QB go to Arizona and that quarterback’s name is Josh Dobbs; He currently has the Vikings close to the playoffs.

Josh Dobbs, in Minnesota’s victory against Atlanta – Photo: X (@Vikings)

Basically, Cleveland went out of its way for the young QB, without being elite and with time not playing. They almost gave him the key to the city and at the moment, he has not responded in the field.

Is it the worst trade in history? Well, time is proving the question right and that is, The Browns did something crazy of epic proportions that continues – and will continue – to pay.

Everything you didn’t know you need to know can be found at

2023-11-15 16:12:08
#Browns #worst #trade #NFL #history #Deshaun #Watson


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