«De Rossi is an idol, I owe a lot to Mourinho»

ROME Convincing José Mourinho it is not an easy task. Especially if it is a player who has to do it without a great history behind him and who plays in a key position on the pitch. And yet, Edward Bove not only did he succeed, but he also tipped it in his favor. It all started last season when Roma were in the midst of an injury emergency (April) and the Special gave them continuity. He responded positively to the point that when it was time to sell him to monetize, Mou blocked the sale. And it wasn’t a mistake because the stops from Pellegrini and Renato Sanches, which added to those from Smalling and Llorente, put the midfield in crisis. Bove was also ready on this occasion, playing seven games as a starter out of 13 in total in Serie A and 3 in the Europa League. Practically an immovable element, until the Captain returned and balance returned to the defense without the Englishman. With Udinese he only played 13 minutes, and he was decisive, but he could start on Thursday in Switzerland against Servette. Delicate match that could decide the passage of the round and first place in the group: «The player-coach relationship is based on trust, if the coach trusts you on the pitch you have a wonderful relationship with him. The most important advice I received is that doing the simple things is the most difficult thing,” he told StarCasino Sport. Mourinho nicknamed him “sick dog” because he lashes out like a fury against his opponents. Even when the team is in a difficult moment as happened in Prague. After the match he was the only one to escape the Portuguese’s criticism: «In this period, football is much more physical, if you don’t have a certain speed it’s difficult to play a certain type of match. De Rossi? It’s an example: we have a grit and a wickedness on the pitch that unites us, but I still have so many things to learn. Totti’s number 10 shirt is sacred, I would never wear it.”

Roma-Udinese 3-1, the report cards: Bove what an impact, Lukaku a worker


Next summer Roma will evaluate whether for their future it will be better to continue with the Giallorossi or go and play continuously in an “average” team. Hypothesis that for the moment Edoardo is not taking into consideration, in fact he is waiting for Tiago Pinto to call him to renew his contract until 2028 (he “only” earns 250 thousand euros plus bonuses). Pellegrini and Paredes will be with him in the middle of the field on Thursday. It is possible that Cristante moves to defense because Mancini suffered a tendon pain during Udinese (he will be evaluated today). On the lanes there is room for Celik (or Karsdorp) and Zalewski. The Lukaku-Dybala duo should start in attack.


1970-01-01 00:00:00
#Rossi #idol #owe #lot #Mourinho


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