Critical Matches Approaching: Relegation Battle in Table Tennis League

Critical Matches Approaching: Relegation Battle in Table Tennis League

Schoppach-Arlon A-Years B: three points or nothing

Ninth, only a small unit away from relegation, the Arlonais must react energetically over the next 10 days. In the space of two matches against Ans B and Sauvenière A, they could completely reassure themselves in the fight for maintenance. “It’s certain that these are two super important matches,” admits Matthieu Renard.

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“Both teams are clearly within our reach if we play at our level. In the event of a double victory against two direct opponents, we would be in a good position. » With three players the last weekend on the Cuesmes side, the players from the capital were unable to fully defend their chances. “I’ll stop you right now.” All five of us are present for the two upcoming meetings. In terms of who will play, the presence of Johann (Biéva) is really important for us. The other three lined up will be chosen based on the shape of the day. »

Waterloo B-Dinez A: victory to keep dreaming

Still disappointed by the draw conceded last Saturday against Basècles B, the Houffalois find themselves in an unfavorable position before the real summit of the series against Waterloo B. Paul Roméro takes stock. “We have to admit that we had a little mistake against Basècles. By leading 6-2 we had done the hard part. At 8-4, we told ourselves that in the last four games, we would win one. Unfortunately, that’s not what happened. »

Enough to approach Waterloo B, first with a small unit lead with a certain apprehension. “The fact of now being second will perhaps take the pressure off us a little. This meeting against Waterloo is obviously very important for the future. Even if the season is still long and there are the second round matches, in my opinion it is decisive. » And for good reason, a defeat for Dinez would allow their Brabant host to take off overall. To avoid such a scenario, the Houffalois will count on the same quartet as against Basècles, namely Alison Georis, Martin Jetten, Dorian Thiry and Paul Roméro.

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Jamoigne A-EBS D: up against the wall

In a series where it is certain it will take a considerable number of points to save itself, Jamoigne no longer has a choice. To avoid plunging into doubt, we will have to pull out all the stops during the last three outings of 2023. Starting with this Saturday’s meeting against a solid EBS D team. “All four of us are well aware of the situation,” slips Loïc Fonck.

“It’s not for nothing that no one has missed a single match yet. This Saturday, like every week, we are going to play hard. No matter which four opponents we have, we will do everything to win. To avoid becoming everyone’s target during the second round, it is essential to get out of the danger zone a little. The matches against EBS D, Caj Mir C and Alpa C are therefore important. I hope all four of us will be 100% in tune. Unfortunately, this has not often been the case. » No suspense regarding the aligned quartet. Sébastien Rouvrois, Tristan Richard, Loïc Fonck and Charles Marquis will be present.

2023-11-24 11:39:00
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