Controversies Surrounding Karim Benzema: The Conflict Between Israel and Palestine

While Karim Benzema has a new coach in Saudi Arabia, the French player still sparks controversies linked to his position in the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Some French politicians wanted to involve Karim Benzema in their affairs, this was notably the case when the Minister of the Interior wanted to link the 2022 Ballon d’Or to the Muslim Brotherhood movements following a message from KB9 supporting ” the inhabitants of Gaza “. The machine had gone into overdrive, and it took the intervention of Karim Benzema’s lawyer to calm everyone down, the latter threatening legal action against those who continued to spit on the French striker. Among the people targeted by these threats of a defamation complaint, there was Frank Tapiro, former communications advisor to Nicolas Sarkozy, who had likened Karim Benzema to “ a collaborator complicit in terrorism » during an intervention on the Israeli news channel, I24 News. The latter now complains of paying the price for these more than virulent outings.

Benzema had him banned in Lyon

Invited to participate this weekend in a conference at the Catholic University of Lyon entitled “the Tours of Excellence » where high school students from the Lyon region had been invited, Frank Tapiro was informed that his presence was no longer desirable. And in Le Parisien, he believes that his recent controversy with Karim Benzema weighed heavily in the balance. “ 15 days ago, I received a cryptic text message telling me that someone needed to speak to me for security reasons. I thought maybe it was to organize my visit, but in fact not at all. The organizers considered that given “my positioning” in relation to the conflict between Israel and Hamas, and also taking into account that Karim Benzema, who is from Lyon, would have launched a “fatwa” against me, my presence was not desirable », Confided on Cnwes, Frank Tapiro. On the side of the organizers, we wanted to respond to this brutal accusation.

Even if on the Lyon side, no one retaliated, it is the association which manages this Tour of Excellence who firmly denied the communications advisor’s version in Le Parisien. “ We choose the sponsor we want, depending on the context and this can change. The Lyon delegation chose another sponsor, that’s all. Changes may occur at the last minute. We must have as much neutrality as possible. », Specified one of the leaders of the organization.

2023-11-19 12:30:48
#Saudi #Arabia #Banned #coming #Lyon #accuses #Karim #Benzema


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