Colombatto opens up about his beginnings: “I was going to party, party, bad behavior…”

Colombatto opens up about his beginnings: “I was going to party, party, bad behavior…”

Double sessions, meditation, study of the matches… this is Colombatto’s daily life
Nacho Azparren

Santiago Colombatto, Oviedo’s fittest player so far in the League, is “the most professional footballer who has played for the club in many years”, according to people who deal with him on a day-to-day basis at the club. The Argentine follows a Germanic routine, studies his own games, does meditation and has his own nutritionist. Diet and rest are sacred. However, it was not always like this. Colombatto suffered at the beginning precisely because of a lack of discipline. “When I was ten years old I went to Buenos Aires to live in a boarding house with other classmates. I left without a family and it was hard, but it was something I wanted to do. When the call came from River I told my dad that I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity and try it. In the family we were River fans, it was like a dream. I think that decision was more difficult for my parents than me, but even so they always accompanied me along the way,” he revealed in an interview with Cope.

“I lacked a lot of discipline. The discipline I have today is thanks to what happened to me those years. I did everything wrong. I was at a screwed age, alone in Buenos Aires. Imagine a 15-year-old boy in such a big city, playing in one of the biggest teams in Argentina. I found myself with many temptations: partying, bad behavior, going to training late, not doing the exercises they told me… rebellious. I lived life like that and for me it was fine, but When I was 17, my ‘old lady’ sat in front of me and asked me what I wanted from my life. She told me that if I wanted to live that life I had to go back to the town to work with my father. At that moment my face ‘clicked’. head and it all started for me. Four months later I went to Italy to try my luck and that’s where my life as a professional soccer player began. All thanks to my mother ‘grabbing’ me and giving me that talk,” said Colombatto, who also did not He ruled out being able to continue more seasons at Oviedo.

2023-11-24 11:26:02
#Colombatto #opens #beginnings #party #party #bad #behavior..


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