Clara Silva gives Unicaja Mijas the third victory (68-73)

Clara Silva gives Unicaja Mijas the third victory (68-73)

He Unicaja Mijas this Saturday he got his third win of the season in the Women’s Challenge League after beating the Talenom Boet Mataró by 68 to 73 in a match with a heart-stopping ending in which a proper name stood out: Clara Silva. The youth center scored 28 points, captured 13 rebounds and added a PIR of 38, in addition to being key in defense for the comeback and subsequent victory. She was also well supported by Elena Moreno (19 points, 12 rebounds, 29 PIR), important in the team’s reaction.

A good start to the game by Lucía Méndez, with 11 points, opened a starting gap in favor of the localsmuch superior against a Unicaja Mijas that only found the basket regularly through Clara Silva (24-15). The Malaga team managed to rebuild itself, more focused at the back and with Clara Silva continuing as a scoring beacon, who was joined by Elena Moreno to reduce the gap, although Mireia Vila kept Talenom Boet Mataró ahead at half-time (38-32).

cashier reaction

The Málaga team continued to rely on the Silva-Moreno tandem to reduce the disadvantage, and the tie came after a triple by Marta Ortega (43-43). A Elena Moreno’s suspension gave Unicaja Mijas an advantageincome that Andrea Gutiérrez and Clara Silva stretched to achieve the maximum in favor (43-50). The local team managed to tie the local team with a partial 9-2, but Elena Moreno broke the difference with a triple at the end of the third act (52-55).

In a frenetic last quarter with the score constantly equalizing, Unicaja Mijas clung to Silva while the locals showed greater success in the triple (66-62). A triple by Carmen Ruiz and the contribution of Silva equalized the contest (66-66). Both teams continued to alternate baskets, with the Malagueñas leading again after a step-back by Silva (68-70).

In a heart-stopping finale, the free throws by the Malagueñas and the dominance of the rebound ended up certifying the third victory of the course in the Women’s Challenge League 68 a 73. Clara Silva, enormous (28 points, 13 rebounds, 4 assists for a PIR of 38), well accompanied by Elena Moreno (19 points, 12 rebounds, 4 assists, a PIR of 29).

2023-11-12 12:11:05
#Clara #Silva #Unicaja #Mijas #victory


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