City Offers Health and Wellness Event: Good in Your Body, Good in Your Head

Sport contributes to physical but also mental well-being. It is based on this observation that the City is offering a highlight entitled “Good in your body, good in your head” on Saturday December 2 at the La Minais sports hall.

“This morning allows you to link questions of health, nutrition and physical activity”, explains Magali Cousin, sports assistant. 14 associations and local actors are joining the event, organized as part of the Terre de Jeux 2024 label obtained by the City.

On the program: health workshops with a coach, a sophrologist and a dietician (nutrition and hydration). But also initiations, led by associations: Yoga Club Lucéen, Atout form, PHC (Body harmonization practice), Essential Stretch, Qi gong with Internal Listening, Shia Tsu led by the town hall sports instructor, Taïso by the judo club, hiking with Pieds Rieurs or even Nordic walking with the RCN.

“These disciplines can be practiced alone or in association with a more or less intensive activity”, specify the City’s sports educators, who coordinate this highlight. The public will also be able to discover cardio-boxing with the Les Jaguars club or cross-fit with the Cross-fit Human Project as well as personalized exercises with sports coaches.

“Everyone will be able to find an activity that suits them, whatever their age, abilities and desires,” concludes Magali Cousin.

Free, registration on site from 9:30 a.m. 1-hour workshops (from 10 a.m.), except for nutrition workshops which last 30 minutes

Saturday December 2 from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., La Minais sports hall.

2023-11-13 10:34:58
#morning #combine #sport #wellbeing


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